Example sentences of "[noun sg] was [to-vb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 As we shall see in a later chapter , much of the same reasoning was to recur towards the end of the 1980s in the search for ways of implementing punishment in the community .
2 On July 23 the Foreign Ministry confirmed the terms it considered acceptable for an " allied multinational force " to be based in south-eastern Turkey : the force was to come under the joint command of Turkish and US commanders ; its ground element would be based at the US/NATO airfield at Incirlik and its air element at Silopi , with some facilities available at Batman in south-east Turkey ; any intervention against Iraq would need Turkish government approval ; and initial Turkish permission for the presence of the force would expire on Sept. 30 .
3 The DUP 's first reaction to the murder was to suggest to the OUP that a joint candidate , acceptable to both parties , be found .
4 Its complement was to rise from the initial 3,000 to 4,200 ( ie full peacetime strength ) one year later .
5 The aim of the research was to prepare for the development of a full proposal on ‘ The Management of Technical Uncertainty ’ .
6 It was indeed the attacks in Cartwright 's books which Hooker was to take as the starting point for his defence of the Church .
7 The next phase of the study was to look at the quality of these ponds in terms of the numbers of species of animals and plants they support , the water chemistry and the surrounding land use of each pond or loch .
8 The intention was to introduce by the end of 1993 a system , TAURUS , complementing TALISMAN , whereby , once a bargain in fully-paid listed securities was struck , the buyer would become , and the seller , in respect of the shares sold , would cease to be , a member and shareholder .
9 Their only recourse was to crowd into the slum areas around .
10 But my real ambition was to appear at the Royal Shakespeare Theatre , which I did eventually . ’
11 When 26-year-old Tim Haller , from Horncastle , Lincs , bought a double-decker bus in 1988 , his great ambition was to travel around the world in it .
12 All my brothers rode in point-to-points and Dermot rode his own horse in the National Hunt Cup at Cheltenham : his ambition was to ride in the Grand National .
13 Barbara insisted that in keeping with the period the only light was to come from the candles , which flickered romantically from the walls and the three Bohemian crystal chandeliers on the ceiling .
14 The key was to act at the moment when conditions were most conducive to the course upon which de Gaulle had decided .
15 By the time morning came he was convinced he had been wide awake the whole night , though by that time he had remembered with the utmost clarity that the whole performance had taken place not in a television studio at all but in an enormous public lavatory , with Sir William and Lady Paice among the large crowd around the coffee table , and that his final humiliation was to discover at the end of the programme that he had been sitting on one of the lavatory seats throughout , with his trousers down around his ankles .
16 The purpose of the judicial review was to dispose of the district judge 's order so as to permit the substitution by the reviewing court of a different order , still directed to the way in which the matter should proceed .
17 The main concern of their administration was to profit from the monopoly over cinnamon , the principal export commodity .
18 The latter managed to sense the way the wind was to blow during the Eighties by anticipating the various forms of emerging Neo-Expressionism .
19 Carlie was to stay at the foster home ‘ until the home situation stabilises ’ .
20 His dream was to build on the site a building by the Modernist architect Mies van der Rohe , which would also create a New York-style plaza , to be known as Mansion House Square .
21 One of the biggest challenges to this new-look management was to cope with the ‘ tribalism ’ of the service ; the tendency of professional groups to cherish their historic rights to govern their own affairs .
22 What we pressed him to do in Committee was to include in the Bill power to set up a funding council .
23 Eventually the Committee was to wither on the vine ; its last reference resulting in the Committee 's Eighteenth Report on Conspiracy to Defraud in 1986 .
24 The plan was to return to the same group of airfields , on the assumption that the garrisons would hardly expect them back quite so soon .
25 The second part of the plan was to turn to the Tories ' own strong issues for the last 10 days : defence , foreign policy , law and order and — hard though it is in a recession — the economy .
26 The rest of their food was in the forest , their plan was to feed on the forest as they went .
27 The plan was to fly to the Cook islands , and spend at least three months alone on a desert island .
28 To advance further into the wood was to trample on the colour blue .
29 His first public act was to preach in the biggest white church in this segregated city .
30 The household 's final act was to arrange for the immediate disposal of the viscera which , like the body , were almost certainly placed in a lead box within a velvet-upholstered outer case .
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