Example sentences of "[noun sg] was [adj] for [adj] " in BNC.

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1 A late election will also be acceptable where at a crucial time one of the signatories or a signatory 's agent was unavailable for unforeseeable reasons ( such as a serious illness ) and there was no one else who could reasonably be expected to stand in the agent 's shoes .
2 In four patients cannulation of the portal vein was impossible for anatomical reasons .
3 Until recently , even though a man who had to give up his job to care for someone at home was eligible for invalid care allowance , a co-habitating or married woman who did the same , was not eligible .
4 The fall was significant for premature cardiovascular deaths up to 65 years of age ( x≥5.0 , p=0.02 ) .
5 Yonge 's father sat in Richard Cromwell 's Parliament and at the Restoration was active for religious comprehension .
6 Its diet appears to have been soft fruit , which appeared to contradict the suggestion that thick enamel was adaptive for hard fruit diets ; but the more recent conclusion that the microwear of the much earlier thick-enamelled hominoid from Pasalar is indicative of a hard-fruit diet suggests that there was a dietary shift after the development of thick enamel , with dietary change independent of morphology .
7 Such a notice or land charge can be filed after contracts have been exchanged , as was established by Roth v Tyler [ 1973 ] 1 All ER 897 , and in that case the seller-husband was liable for substantial damages , not ( as was urged on his behalf ) only the nominal damages to which a buyer is entitled if his seller is unable to deduce a good title .
8 Not only were lines built to tap it , not only did almost every station become a distribution centre in all those areas where the fossil fuel was vital for domestic and industrial use , but trains themselves in many countries ran on it .
9 That single room was unfit for human habitation .
10 Under the old system , a person was eligible for supplementary benefit if their resources were below their requirements .
11 If disaster struck and many of these things were destroyed , the name itself preserved in some form or other was sufficient for eternal survival .
12 The strategic position of Egypt in relation to the Arabian Peninsula was decisive for American crisis planning under the Carter Doctrine .
13 It should be remembered that the modern movement was responsible for great moral and social improvements when one looks sentimentally at the past .
14 The state was responsible for full employment policies .
15 In one study analysis of dietary histories in 29 of 50 diabetics revealed that compliance was adequate for unrefined carbohydrate ( 39 per cent daily energy ) , fibre ( 34 g/day ) and sodium ( 100 mmol/day ) , although dietary fat was higher than intended ( 33 per cent daily energy ) ( Pacy et al , 1984c ) .
16 Peter said that although fifth was a respectable position he felt the team was capable of pushing for the top spot and added the society was eager for new blood .
17 Some respondents considered that since the rationale was inappropriate for Religious Education in Catholic schools all else that followed was likewise inappropriate .
18 While local government was responsible for public health , and for the rudimentary planning , housing and hospital functions required to help achieve more sanitary urban areas , education was made the responsibility of separately elected school boards .
19 The interior was notable for medieval woodwork , important funerary monuments , and fine stained glass , some of it medieval and all now severely damaged .
20 At Oxford and at Cambridge , the new science degrees ( like those in modern languages and history ) led to a BA , and knowledge of Latin and Greek was essential for would-be students of chemistry or physics .
21 In our study , renal size was adequate for ultrasound-guided biopsy in 15 ( 68% ) patients with AonCRF and was , therefore , not a good discriminator between ARF and AonCRF .
22 Following the approach suggested in the Wilson case , the Court of Appeal held that the pilot was eligible for unfair dismissal rights .
23 The way was open for radical reforms .
24 With teachers ' morale at its lowest ebb in living memory and with parental frustration escalating , the way was clear for Central Government to demand that schools be made much more accountable — accountable to the parent body which the teachers had for years struggled to involve in schools in the interests of the children they were teaching .
25 And nearly all the 100 companies questioned in a survey by the charity Shelter said a stable housing system was vital for long-term growth .
26 However , Theo Waigel , the German Finance Minister , stressed that the criteria should not be applied mechanically , and that there should be " scope for political judgment " on whether a country was fit for full EMU .
27 By 1934 , following the February events and the signing in July of the popular front agreement , the route was clear for rapid development of co-operative communist cultural politics .
28 In Sutcliffe v Thackrah [ 1974 ] AC 727 the House of Lords overruled Chambers v Goldthorpe ( see 14.3.5 ) , and held that an architect certifying payments due to a contractor under a building contract was liable for professional negligence to his client the employer .
29 Public support was forthcoming for philanthropic work , such as visiting the homes of the poor , but not for permitting mothers to elect Members of Parliament .
30 Red Cottage was unsuitable for other reasons , but there was space and fresh air and I think I need these . ’
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