Example sentences of "[noun sg] was [verb] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 As this house was structurally sound the remedy was to do the work one room at a time . ’
2 His remedy was to divide the garden with a wicker arch into two sections , to create an illusion of space .
3 The remedy was to separate the essence of national life ( a language and a culture ) from the organization of economic activity , and embody it in a separate institution .
4 The objective of this association was to promote the adoption of the instruction of deaf children not through the use of sign language or any method that used it as then prevailed in many countries including the U.S.A. and Britain , but through oral methods to the total exclusion of sign language altogether .
5 The deal was to finance the power station 's gas and steam turbines which will become operational in early 1993 .
6 The deal was given the go-ahead by the Department of Trade and Industry in spite of protests to the European Commission and the Office of Fair Trading by BA 's competitors .
7 In future the advice of the Lord Chief Justice and the trial judge was to be obtained immediately after sentence , whether the life sentence was mandatory or discretionary , but in the latter case the judicial view of the tariff was to determine the date of the first review by the Parole Board machinery .
8 Schrödinger 's original reason for putting forward this thought experiment was to demonstrate the folly , as he then believed , of the quantum theory : clearly it was ridiculous to think of a cat being neither dead nor alive — or , as an obvious corollary , both dead and alive at the same time .
9 The next phase of the experiment was to test the ability of the virus to produce immunity to the hepatitis antigen — something that the antigen on its own is not very good at .
10 The purpose of the experiment was to train the dog to salivate at the sound of the tuning fork without food being present .
11 A blunt-speaking Yorkshireman was guarding the door of the barn where the pie was cooking when these men from the ministry approached and demanded admission .
12 However , the Supreme Soviet was to decide the strength and composition of armed forces and Interior Ministry troops , while the President was given the right to take decisions on the use of Interior Ministry troops in emergency situations .
13 On Aug 28 , Croatian television reported that the President was reducing the number of ministries from20 to 14 .
14 In Moscow , Yeltsin spokesmen said the president was awaiting the outcome of Mr Kozyrev 's US visit before deciding whether to ask Mr Clinton to transfer their planned Vancouver summit meeting next month to Moscow .
15 In 1311 , for example , he demanded one foot soldier from each vill for service in his projected campaign in Scotland , and the vill was to pay the soldier 's wages for seven weeks by means of a special aid levied on each vill by the sheriff .
16 Her initial instinct was to hit out at him in violent retaliation , the insults unendurable and unanswerable in any other way , and yet at the same time , some still , small place of recognition at the centre of all that red-hot emotion was acknowledging the kernel of truth hidden within the offensive words .
17 Confronted with evidence that the performer in question was neither Japanese nor female , and in any event was dressed in pantaloons , Parkinson confessed that he had difficulty observing the performance , and that his object in making the allegation was to revoke the Aquarium 's dancing licence .
18 The theory developed to account for these findings , Lapse Theory , proposed that the special effect of sleep loss was to increase the number of lapses in attention , possibly through " microsleeps " .
19 Its immediate result was to divide the aeroplane up into a large number of badly ventilated and inaccessible compartments .
20 In a certain sense , the result was to restrict the importance of the islands .
21 The result was to make the music an even poorer thing than the phenomenon itself , and to nullify the music 's mythopoeic power .
22 Cloaked with the panoply of democracy , hung about with the flag , the only result was to make the cause look grubbier and smaller .
23 They agreed that he had a discretion under the statute whether or not to do so but said that he was not justified in refusing if the result was to frustrate the policy of the Act of Parliament .
24 The turning point came in 1972 when Ken Mentle dug deep into his pocket and bought a deluxe Portakabin for directors and players , and the Supporters ' Club was given the drain end as its new home .
25 But today the Earlys Social Club was spreading the news the trip was off , after the company it had booked with went bust .
26 But today the Earlys Social Club was spreading the news the trip was off , after the company it had booked with went bust .
27 His new club was raking the money in .
28 Oxfordshire could n't lose in the National Final at Nottingham on Saturday … number one seed Lizzie Jelfs from Banbury 's West End Club was playing the number two seed Claire Taylor from the Banbury West End Club …
29 When every seat was taken the Foundling children filed to their places , filling the gallery where the organ stood like a turreted castle , girls on the left in snowy white , and darkly dressed boys on the right .
30 My reference in the next ensuing paragraph to the general principles of responsibility of the principal for the acts of the agent was to set the context of the consideration that in that particular case the solicitors for the creditors were equally deceived by the dishonest conduct of the son as were his own parents .
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