Example sentences of "[noun sg] was [verb] up for " in BNC.

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1 British Rail 's diesel stock was coming up for replacement and we needed to decide whether to reinvest in diesel equipment or to invest in electrification .
2 But when a stranger was picked up for house breaking or shop breaking or something , a complete stranger , we used to send them to Norwich pending further enquiries , and with a request that they be fingerprinted , and of course they used to fingerprint , send to Scotland Yard , we used to then get the record if they had a record with a photograph , and all their previous convictions .
3 The club was put up for sale after the Kumar brothers ' business empire went into receivership last month .
4 Simpson is the second player to leave the Manor Ground since the club was put up for sale eleven weeks ago .
5 But as he was finishing his second pint , and wondering again whether to go up and see one or other of the Mrs Machins , his mind was made up for him .
6 Two-thirds of AMI Healthcare was put up for auction this week after the company 's Los Angeles parent changed hands .
7 The combined heat and power industry was held up for many years because it was in the hands of a state monopoly .
8 The material for a given vehicle was split up for convenience under various grouped headings .
9 A Central Management Committee was set up for the Government legal service and , as senior Government lawyer , it fell to Ware to be chairman of this and to become head of the parallel Legal Career Service .
10 But at the last moment , the Bahamian government agreed ( there were rumours that a good deal of money changed hands ) , and a new flight plan was drawn up for Hassan 's 747 .
11 The lease of Headington Hill Hall was put up for sale along with 32 other properties in January by receivers , Grant Thornton , and has attracted several bids .
12 The company 's stay was fairly brief , for in 1908 operations ceased and the mill was put up for auction .
13 The residency was set up for the Oxfordshire Area Health Authority by the City Gallery Arts Trust
14 The business was put up for auction two months ago when Whitbread decided that its spirits operation , including brands such as Long John Scotch , Laphroaig malt whisky , Burrough 's mixed doubles and Beefeater gin , was too small to compete with the giants of the industry like Grand Metropolitan 's IDV , Guinness ' United Distillers and Allied-Lyons ' Hiram Walker Allied Vintners .
15 Then the funeral was held up for a few days , and we soon realised that the effect was indeed cosmetic and nothing more .
16 Most were not considered worth interviewing , but a shortlist was drawn up for interview at the Northern Foods flat in Clarges Street .
17 Secretly ( because the papers would never report it ) , behind the scenes a huge demand was building up for a ‘ decent ’ paper , one which — dare they say it — would Tell the Truth .
18 When his father was tucked up for the night , the son would wander out into the garden and enjoy the cool air as a contrast to the fug of the sick-room .
19 When this happened the traffic was held up for three of four days whilst the track was repaired .
20 Despite a 150-strong police presence , traffic was held up for two hours as the farmers taunted Britons , shouting and waving banners which read ‘ Britain is an island .
21 There were no serious injuries , but one passenger was cut by flying glass and traffic was held up for over an hour .
22 Then the subway train was held up for twenty minutes .
23 Proper planning was held up for a time until the route of the M4 was decided , as an early outline brought it through Harpsden and over Peppard .
24 All was safely gathered in and Mr and Mrs Squirrel Nutkin 's hoard was laid up for winter 's sustenance .
25 The governors had effectively decided at an emergency meeting on Tuesday night that Mr Birt should stay but question marks still hung over the future of Mr Hussey , especially as the BBC 's General Advisory Council recommended on Wednesday that he should go for effectively bringing the BBC into disrepute at a time when its charter was coming up for renegotiation .
26 What for the insider might be the purification of a defensible religion by its exposure to scientific criticism , would for the outsider be one more step along the path to destruction as an inherently implausible account of human destiny was shown up for what it is .
27 Thus the property was tied up for a generation .
28 A memorandum was drawn up for presentation to the November 1990 Helsinki ( Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe ) conference on the environment .
29 A fund was set up for its restoration , but before the work could even be started the campanile collapsed .
30 A disaster fund was set up for the widows and orphans and they were reasonably well provided for financially , although the sums they received seem very small by today 's standards of compensation and value of money .
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