Example sentences of "[noun sg] is for the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 If an abseiler becomes entangled and stuck during an abseil then the only remedy is for the instructor to cut the rope at the top .
2 The first for Hydro Electric is for the renewal of a maintenance contract for fire alarms at their Peterhead power station , while the second is to service the fire alarm equipment at Scottish Power 's Longannet power station .
3 The biggest entry is for the handicap singles with 74 players competing .
4 The ultimate deal is for the promoter to guarantee the band the whole £4,800 .
5 A further recommendation is for the setting up of an independent body of journalists that would abide by an agreed code of conduct .
6 For example , if the search is for the string chess , h is the 3rd bit of the 26 to be set , so follow the 3rd pointer of the 10 element array to reach the ‘ h ’ node on the level below , and so on until the entire string is found , at the 2nd ‘ s ’ node , where the word flag is set .
7 ‘ The answer for the future is for the landowner and the farmer to seek Ministry approval for a tenancy of up to five years .
8 Evidence is all around us , and the first step in any research is for the scientist to decide which of the many facts are of concern to him .
9 Consequently the chapter is for the benefit of those with a critical interest in homoeopathy and may conveniently be glossed over by those with a less scientific turn of mind .
10 If instructions are received from a senior executive who is also the principal shareholder of an entity , it should be established , preferably in writing , whether the engagement is for the entity or for the individual acting in a private capacity .
11 The TBM 700 's purchase price includes two type ratings , and the usual practice is for the owner-pilot to bring a professional flier with him to take the course .
12 Another and widely spread practice is for the head of a laboratory to add his name automatically to any paper published from it , though he may have no contribution at all to the work .
13 If the application is urgent , eg for a non-molestation injunction under the Domestic Violence and Matrimonial Proceedings Act 1976 and there is no judge sitting , the court office will say at what court there is a judge and the application may be made and heard at that court , but the more usual practice is for the application itself to be made in the court which would otherwise have been appropriate , with the papers and order being sent back to that court after the hearing .
14 If so , the meeting can proceed ; otherwise , the usual practice is for the meeting to wait a maximum of 15 to 30 minutes for a quorum to assemble .
15 To avoid such problems , where a consent is needed , the normal practice is for the sale agreement to provide that the vendor will hold the benefit of such contract on trust for the purchaser and pay any sums which the vendor receives after completion to the purchaser immediately upon receipt ( see clause 8.2(a) of the standard sale agreement — Appendix III ) .
16 The intention is for the policeman concerned to develop a local knowledge of his area , to show a presence and develop friendly and informal contact with members of the public , although one was adamant that his role remained primarily one of crime detection rather than prevention , this being the responsibility of community relations .
17 If the intention is for the group to reach a key decision they should know this .
18 Whether jostling is force is for the jury .
19 The latter depends in turn on the capital intensity of fixed costs relative to variable costs ( ) and relative to the rest of the economy as a whole ( ) If fixed costs are relatively capital-intensive in both senses , then the first-round effect is for the size of the firm to be increased ( see dashed lines in Fig. 7–3 ) and this reinforces the substitution effect .
20 A word of advice : the silver key is for the briefcase , NOT to open doors .
21 The usual method of incorporation is for the exemption terms to be set out in printed conditions which are commonly attached to or referred to in the auction catalogue and copies of which are usually displayed on the premises .
22 A better alternative is for the trust to borrow from an external source , with a guarantee provided by Newco , and Newco then makes tax-deductible payments to the trustees to enable them to meet the instalments on their borrowings .
23 Where forecasts are not legally binding on the buyer , another commonly used alternative is for the buyer to agree to compensate the seller ( up to some agreed limits ) for excess inventory of the products covered by the agreement which are still in the seller 's hands on termination of the agreement , but which he can not reasonably dispose of elsewhere .
24 The only alternative is for the tenant to insure the missing risks itself , but this may not be cost effective , particularly if the landlord is a large property company and therefore more able to obtain cheaper cover .
25 The only course of action is for the doctor to make every effort possible to save the life of the child concerned , whether the parents approve or not .
26 The modern procedure in the action is for the plaintiff to apply to the registrar of the county court , who will see that the goods alleged to have been wrongfully taken are restored to the plaintiff on his giving security to prosecute an action of replevin in the county court or in the High Court .
27 In newsletter format , Travel Industry Monitor is for the decision maker who needs up-to-date objective information on important issues , professionally presented in an accessible format .
28 The point of an ending is for the conclusion to look backwards , not to carry the argument backwards .
29 ‘ I do some cabinet-making and joinery which produces a small income but most of my work is for the centre .
30 Well at the end of the day all our work is for the benefit of children , individual children , individual human beings like you or like me .
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