Example sentences of "[noun sg] is [prep] the same " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The extra court sitting is on the same day as the other hearings so we have to rush between the courts .
2 Clearly , one aim is to ensure the election of a Parliament the House of Commons of which is of an efficient size , and the Members of which are elected in such a way that the vote of one elector is worth the same as another , neither more nor less .
3 Irony is at the same time a characteristic form of the contemporary imagination and a way of thinking the specific forms of engagement which the distractions of the everyday and the interruptions of its temporality might facilitate in television viewing .
4 Well , really , how to make a cup of tea is like the same thing as making a cup of coffee first you have to take the kettle to the tap , turn the tap on and fill up the kettle , then take the kettle back to the ma , erm , where you got it from and plug it into the wa wall .
5 It might be worth recalling Walter Benjamin 's view that there is always a verso and recto to history — each document of civilisation is at the same time a document of barbarism .
6 None the less , what the United States data imply is that the upward trend in recorded crime is in the same direction as actual victimization , although at a slower rate .
7 With loop-in wiring , the wires are labelled carefully , and drawn up into the space above the ceiling , where they should be reconnected in a junction box , in exactly the same way that they were connected in the ceiling rose , and a cable taken from this junction box to the light fitting through the hole in the ceiling ( if the new light fitting is in the same place ) .
8 The bodies of both these figures are even more angular than those of the other three women , and the planes that compose them are occasionally differentiated by touches of pure colour ; the body of the squatting figure is in the same darker tonalities of the head .
9 I ca n't believe the review is of the same show I saw .
10 Even under such conditions there may be cases where a weigher , from his own observations , is not satisfied that the vehicle is in the same condition as when tared .
11 ‘ I once heard her say ’ , Hortensia went on , ‘ that a large boy is about the same weight as an Olympic hammer and therefore he 's very useful for practising with . ’
12 The bow is of the same openwork trifoliate design but has a additional small know mounted on the top .
13 Generally the extra cost for this type is around the same as for adding your own jacket — but the insulation wo n't fall off .
14 We feel that , for an Englishman , to ask this question is at the same time to answer it .
15 Niort is about the same distance by the parallel N150 .
16 The other pay-off with the diesel engine is between the same high levels of NOx and the fuel efficiency ; if you reduce the NOx level , there is a commensurate improvement in fuel economy .
17 The place is in the same gleaming order as when I left it last , the only sign of Lee 's presence being the neatly made camp-bed and a regimented row of balled socks beside his kit-bag in the dining room .
18 The beach is five minutes away , the nightlife in the new town is about the same , and the main shopping areas of town are a short stroll away .
19 A mechanic when he hits on an idea that makes him some money in a suggestion scheme though the joy is of the same substance but he will not feel the same depth of emotion as Einstein or Dante did .
20 The viewer 's eye is also kept happier if the centre of attention is in the same position within the frame before and after each cut .
21 Kirkland is of the same sort of ‘ mainstream ’ school as Geoff Keezer and his curriculum vitae is also impressive ; he 's played with both Wynton and Branford Marsalis , as well as in the pop arena with Sting 's group ( on the ‘ Dream of Blue Turtles ’ album , along with Branford ) and with David Sanborn , among others .
22 They believe the garden centre business is at the same stage of development as DIY was a decade ago .
23 The whole of the group is in the same × 7 field , and is a lovely sight .
24 Delta is in the same field with Eta ( 4.3 ) .
25 In U.S.A. the consumption of steel per head is about the same , 1,100 lb. , but the consumption of timber per head is much more , about 2,400 lb .
26 My hon. Friend is in the same party as I am , as far as I understand .
27 Alpha is in the same × 7 field with Achernar .
28 Make sure the replacement water is at the same temperature as the pondwater — and this goes for the water in any temporary containers as well .
29 This person is about the same age but earns a bit more and so on and so forth , so your age increases .
30 A quick check with Table 1 will show that the extra cost for dual/instruction is about the same in both countries , averaging £10.20 per hour for the USA and £9.73 per hour ex-VAT for the UK .
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