Example sentences of "[noun sg] is also [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The head of state is the executive President , currently Didier Ratsiraka ; elected for seven years by universal adult suffrage , the President is also chairman of the Supreme Revolutionary Council , which is defined in the Constitution as " the guardian of the Malagasy Socialist Revolution " .
2 The President is also chairman of the Supreme Revolutionary Council , which is defined in the Constitution as " the guardian of the Malagasy Socialist Revolution " .
3 In this expansion lies the freedom that comes with it ; for this journey and enlargement of the mind is also part of man 's endless quest for growth and self-fulfilment .
4 Torture is also routine in criminal investigations , even for the most petty offense .
5 Under the terms of a 1984 constitutional amendment , the chairman of the PCT central committee is also head of state , these offices being held currently by Gen. Denis Sassou-Nguesso , who assumed power in 1979 .
6 The chairman of the PCT central committee is also head of state and has executive powers .
7 If the primary circuit is also part of a central heating circuit , this will also need filling and some of the radiators may need bleeding afterwards to let out air .
8 Thus we commend the Bible to be read by the Churches and by Christian families in their homes , as nourishment for their souls , and not to be separated from the sacrament in the liturgy ; we commend modern translations , into the various languages , as a help to understanding ; we commend the people who have the duty of seeking to interpret the Bible in terms of the modern scientific view of the world ; and remind the Churches that all knowledge is of God and therefore that scientific discovery is also part of His work ; and so the world will be brought to know God as its Maker , and the Cross as timeless .
9 Everywhere and inevitably the administrative process is also part of the political process ; administration is always political as well as executive , at least at the levels where policy-making is relevant , that is to say in the upper layers of administrative life …
10 The Director is also Commissioner for Mines , and vice-chairman and national representative for Vanuatu in the South Pacific Applied Geoscience Commission ( SOPAC ) .
11 Its director is also head of the GSS and as such has considerable influence over statistics throughout Whitehall .
12 Giving and receiving criticism is also part of being assertive .
13 Accepting valid criticism is also part of this group of assertive actions .
14 In fact it is frequently the case that the chief executive or clerk of the local authority is also secretary of the charity .
15 When the Conservatives are in opposition , the frontbench spokesman on each subject area is also chairman of the parallel party group , thus providing a direct channel of communication between backbench opinion and the Shadow Cabinet .
16 The beach is also part of the ‘ highway ’ to the eastern end of the island and is a constant source of interest to wildlife enthusiasts .
17 Induction into a subject is also induction into a subject culture or community — into a set of assumptions about how school children learn , how they are best taught , how one should relate to them , and so on .
18 Operative training is also part of the deal .
19 The production of block diagrams and other representations of spatial data in graphical form is also part of automated cartography .
20 Silence is also part of the Japanese communication procedure and they tend to rely heavily upon non-verbal communication .
21 The party chairman is also head of state .
22 The case is also authority for the fact that if the premises are out of repair at the commencement of the term then the tenant would be under an obligation to repair them .
23 And moral change is also part of his metaphor of fruitfulness — a picture of growth and progress ( Gal.
24 In this sense the growing dissolution of the category is also part of the collapse of older certainties and polarities of the British left and the emergence of concerns around socialist pluralism ( Rust in , 1985 ; Keane , 1988 ) .
25 The social struggle is also part of the feminist struggle — at least in our country 's context — because the restructuring of the social system will help overcome these obstacles , although the pace of change will not necessarily be in a strict mathematical equation .
26 would be implying , because Course is also part of the key , that a lecturer can teach a number of courses .
27 Suppose , first , that the other player is also Tit for Tat ( remember that each strategy played against copies of itself as well as against the other 14 ) .
28 Moreover , in a situation in which party organises the Commons , power over the party is also power over Parliament .
29 A multi-disc reader is also part of our working environment .
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