Example sentences of "[noun sg] is [adv] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 We may say that thinking is essentially the activity of operating with signs .
2 The measure of our thinking is often the performance of our intellect .
3 when a single entry is both the Target and Source for cross-referencing .
4 Compulsory competitive tendering is not the way forward , what is needed is quality services provided by a quality workforce .
5 Yet it seems that according to Lord Diplock such reasoning is merely the invention of a fancied ambiguity , which is no reason for denying the ‘ plain ’ meaning of a statute .
6 Consciousness is both the stage and the action upon it .
7 His kitchen is on the bottom floor and Merlin 's bedroom is where the driver of the bus would usually be !
8 On this second approach , the refutation of scepticism is not the intention , and need not be the result , of a successful epistemology .
9 Speed is not the car builder 's over-riding need .
10 One of the top ANC men came back from the Dar Es Salaam talks and told us , ‘ I am more than ever convinced that violence is not the way .
11 The violence is only the exercise of an ultimate weapon available to men .
12 The president is ostensibly the driver of this large complex machine , but at the beginning of each new administration the question is : Will the man temporarily in charge of this unwieldy , temperamental vehicle be able to master its tricky controls and get it to move at all ?
13 The widespread belief that the limbic system is the substrate of emotion is also the result of an accident , in that Papez 's theory of emotion was not justified by the evidence available at the time and there are other , equally acceptable , interpretations of the effects of limbic system damage .
14 It was stated frequently by solicitors that the effective choice of solicitor by the unrepresented defendant is either the duty solicitor or a named or identifiable solicitor .
15 Literally it may be defined as ‘ the geography of living organisms ’ or since geography is traditionally the study of living things and particularly man in relation to the environment , the most accurate job description of the subject may be the ‘ geography of the biosphere ’ . ’
16 ‘ … soil geography is largely the study of the spatial variation of the interaction of environmental elements ; and this is how soil is made . ’
17 Geography is simply the study of places .
18 ‘ And the wind is n't the air conditioning , either .
19 ‘ Our side is n't the type you could send out every week with instructions just to knock it long all the time .
20 So the longer side is always the hypotenuse .
21 So at the end of each appointment you want a result and a result is either the business or introductions , hopefully both so I hang on the importance again .
22 The result is often the provision of a traditional service for disabled people to meet their ‘ special needs ’ with the only real changes being the words used to describe the service .
23 The result is quite the opposite .
24 The end of the movie is really the beginning of Johnny .
25 Course officials fear the seized batch is n't the end of the story .
26 When we see the sun , he says , the ‘ immediate object ’ of our perceiving mind is not the sun itself ‘ but something that is intimately joined to our soul , … an idea ’ .
27 In some of the higher settlements the pond is still the centre of the village ; the church , being more recent , is relegated to the edge .
28 The major difference between theorem proving and other forms of monotonic search is just the choice of basic operators .
29 Indeed , some privileged adults can not play , but concentration is not the problem !
30 Spring is generally the season in which to sow , but some germinate better if sown in late summer or early autumn , that is , as soon as the parent plants have flowered and set seed , and the seed has ripened .
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