Example sentences of "[noun sg] it is [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 And I feel that it , it is a difficult bala in practice it is difficult balance to achieve , to be polite , but to be firm at the same time erm but and there are times when that has to be done .
2 While we have strong reserves to support the pound it is likely Bank of England Governor Robin Leigh Pemberton would advise a Labour Chancellor to combine firm words with firm deeds if support from the Bundesbank and our other exchange rate mechanism partners is to be assured and a drawn-out war of attrition avoided .
3 Nevertheless , in the contemporary English village it is this feeling of having been ‘ taken over ’ by outsiders that usually prevails among the agricultural population and with it not only a sense of ‘ loss of community ’ , but an inevitable animus against the invasion of ‘ furriners ’ .
4 After explaining a benefit it is sound practice to ask the buyer ‘ Is this the kind of thing you are looking for ? ’
5 A nice idea ; what a pity it is bad history .
6 Since transmission is largely on a foal-to-foal basis it is good policy to avoid using the same paddocks for nursing mares and their foals in successive years .
7 Due to the statutory novation it is normal practice for the vendor to indemnify the purchaser against all liabilities concerning the employees up to the time of completion .
8 In my opinion it is this flexibility which has given English primary education its unique quality .
9 To avoid ambiguity it is good practice to complete the comments section even if the current version is required .
10 In The Old Curiosity Shop it is high summer , and Dickens himself does not mention a fire , but it is featured by one of his illustrators , within a chimneypiece much too solid and grand for a labourer 's ‘ hut ’ ( Fig. 39 ) .
11 After assembly it is first period , maths in room twelve .
12 They have the greatest reproductive success and in terms of Darwinian evolution it is Third World rapidly expanding populations which are enjoying the highest levels of reproductive success .
13 In the light of this kind of development it is high time to drop the distinction between ‘ education ’ and ‘ training ’ and to refuse to use these words as part of our educational vocabulary .
14 If a form HO/RT/1 is issues and the driver elects to produce the document at a distant police station it is good practice to also request the suspected driver to produce his registration document at the same time .
15 Once the conditions for the enforcement of a charge have arisen English law places few constraints on the right of the security holder to enforce his charge and in this respect it is pro-security holder .
16 It 's not sort of er moderate control or a little bit of control it is strict control .
17 ‘ In a man it is mere effeminacy .
18 Cut off from that life it is fair game for the Enemy ( see chapter seven ) .
19 Nor were any examples found of we or you co-occurring with a singular verb , and in a very real sense it is this constraint which distinguishes the Belfast vernacular concord system from that of other non-standard varieties .
20 While it can be petitional , in its widest sense it is inward communion , and in both cases it cleanses the heart of passion and produces peace , orderliness , and repose in daily life .
21 But with vision it is another matter .
22 and just pop me head round and , and see , in case it is this week
23 However , the duplicate set is an unapproachable ideal unless you are reading for a higher degree , in which case it is sound policy .
24 During this initial phase of hospital admission it is common practice to administer prophylactic antiarrhythmic drug therapy , usually lignocaine or procainamide , for 36–48 h .
25 In addition it is freezing cold , and the mares are not wearing rugs because they have foals at foot .
26 Of course it is one thing to state baldly that modern Christians are often ineffectual in their witness and live in a privatised world , cut off from the mainstream of social life , but it is quite another thing to make out a case that it is so .
27 But of course it is one thing to argue for change , and to explain ( as preceding pages have tried to do ) the readiness and degree of involvement of para.professional colleagues and groups ; it is quite another to analyse in helpful detail the types of learning systems and units that might be relevant , and their implications in terms of planning and organized provision .
28 I will continue Mr Mayor that it is not meanness it is practical caring Conservative policy to ensure that this happens .
29 In the life of a maturing Christian it is that space I give in quiet thought , reflection and meditation .
30 However , in that case the defendants had been aware of the plaintiff 's medical evidence and to avoid possible objections at trial it is good practice to amend to plead any substantial changes to the plaintiff 's claim .
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