Example sentences of "[noun sg] to [be] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Where he becomes ridiculous is in his desperate ambition to be part of the working class , striking a rather pathetic figure as he sits in his ministerial office with his trade union banner behind his head .
2 Rhee was stated to have adopted ‘ A more cunning policy for deceiving the Korean people ’ ; Rhee 's diverse tactics were all designed to enhance his ambition to be dictator of Korea .
3 She wants her lover to be King of Scotland ! ’
4 If you want the entrance to be part of the item , keep moving and make it flow .
5 ( Sceptical from the start of official announcements about the disaster , Private Eye added this footnote to a later story [ 8 May 1992 ] about the suitcase of drugs found among the wreckage at Lockerbie : ‘ PS : Lord Fraser of Carmyllie has been promoted in John Major 's new administration to be minister of state at the Scottish office . ’ )
6 ‘ It was an honour to be captain in Cyprus and although I 'd like to say it was not important , it is nice .
7 Both companies are thought by western intelligence to be part of Iraq 's international arms-procurement network and both have links with Anees Wadi , a suspected Iraqi agent who was expelled from Britain last year .
8 And the Jordan team , despite the initial disappointment of losing Andrea de Cesaris when the Italian missed a gear and caused an engine failure during pre-qualifying , showed its capacity to be part of Formula 1 .
9 Given recent reductions in the rate of personal taxation , there is now little fiscal benefit to be obtainedthough in any case that should have been regarded as an incidental benefit and not a justification in itself for the establishment of such a company .
10 No one should underestimate Ian 's determination to be part of the England scene if we make it to America for the finals in 1994 .
11 It is a fan 's dream come true to watch it and a commentator 's dream to be part of it . ’
12 As individuals do we accept our responsibility to be peacemakers or do we passively allow aggression to be part of our lives ?
13 Strathclyde Regional Council has won the right to be part of the franchising process for local trains in the Glasgow area .
14 Agnes noted with alarm that a pink flush was suffusing Dorothy 's face , a sure sign of temper , and really , thought her loyal assistant , she had every right to be cross under the circumstances .
15 On the other hand , your need to be charge of nature may reflect some of your own fears and uncertainties .
16 ( 1 ) Every licensing board shall elect annually one of its number to be chairman of the board , and until a chairman is elected , or if the chairman is absent from any meeting , the board shall elect one of its number present at the meeting to be chairman of that meeting .
17 We shall not pursue this further except to remark that a subject 's consent to be part of an experiment is always obtained .
18 There seems at this point to be disagreement among the regulationists , with some hypothesizing that the decentralization within Britain was the beginning of a new phase of ( neo-Fordist ) accumulation ( Aglietta , 1979 ; Dunford , Geddes and Perrons , 1981 ) , while others ( Martin , 1988 ; Marshall , 1987 ) clearly see it as an attempt to use geographical restructuring to prolong the life of Fordism .
19 Amiss wandered disconsolately out of the phone-booth , full of unanswered questions and a desire to be part of the action .
20 to go to heaven to be part of this kingdom , but for the rest of mankind which are obedient , which do accept er the truth , they will live in paradise on the earth .
21 And Rory , throughout his teens , had thought about the struggle sometimes , and determined vaguely one day to be part of the broom that swept the Brits out of his country , and drank and screwed and spent and had terrific crack , and bought the three-eight Webley once , upon a whim .
22 These should be major counselling objectives , and encouraging an ageing person to be part of such a group would indeed constitute a major counselling success .
23 It was all of these factors and experiences which made him an outstanding teacher and a distinguished consultant ( perhaps the only person to be Chairman of the local association of the ICE and IStructE in successive years ) .
24 ( d ) It is possible for a person to be visitor in relation to one occupier and a trespasser to another
25 BY last night two teachers were outstripping all others in the race to be Teacher of the Year .
26 We feel privileged to have had the chance to be part of such a valuable learning experience .
27 A ride on the Big Dipper is not on the prize list , just the chance to be part of the TSB English Schools Athletics Championships , one of the biggest events of its kind in the world .
28 ‘ It is good to get the three aquatic disciplines together , and for youngsters like Paul Latimer and Graeme Smith it is a first chance to be part of the senior squad . ’
29 Then he was offered the chance to be artist in residence at Slimbridge and jumped at the chance to stage his own exhibition .
30 Representatives of Slovenia attended the meeting as guests of the Austrian delegation , but the Yugoslav Foreign Ministry reportedly refused the Slovene request to be part of the Yugoslav delegation .
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