Example sentences of "[noun sg] in which [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Parents are no longer told what methods to adopt , but rather the frame of mind in which to adopt them .
2 A sly grin crossed his face as he thought of an alternative billet in which to spend what remained of the night .
3 He had to reach the President 's cabin with at least an hour of daylight in which to plan his defence and with time to get through to Caspar on the President 's radio .
4 Cape Canaveral was the lock in which to turn it .
5 First this is held downwards , then it is swung upwards to varying heights so that you have a split second in which to hit it with a suitable technique .
6 They were still there , attached to her by unbreakable strings , but at least they retreated enough for her to have a breathing-space in which to resolve them .
7 Already , before he has found a theological universe in which to create them , they have the feeling of lost souls , fodder for hell .
8 Even with evidence for the level of wealth in each building , this could imply that the village society was led by a single chief , who lived in the biggest house in the centre of the village , or that the village was run by a council of all the members of the village , who built a large central hall in which to hold their meetings .
9 The Chamber was packed when there were seven orders before the House , with an hour and a half in which to debate them .
10 Gauss ' most influential contribution is probably his Disquisitiones Arithmeticae ( 1801 ) , a work in which appear his 17-gon ( see Section 4.6 ) , his introduction of the notation of congruence ( see Section 2.2 ) , his proof that all the roots of unc are expressible in radicals , and a proof of the quadratic reciprocity law .
11 The auto industry just happened to be a convenient sector in which to show his determination to change ( Doner , 1987 ; Oman , 1989 : pp. 164–166 ) .
12 Before fitting any mortise lock , ensure that you have sufficient depth of wood in which to house it .
13 The elderly lady found a private moment in which to invite her hostess to come to see her in the room she occupied in her daughter 's house .
14 However , this was clearly not the moment in which to tell his dearest Laura that she looked magnificent when she was angry , and he hastened to set the record straight .
15 Bending to retrieve it , she had a moment in which to pull herself together .
16 ‘ I know you 'll find a nice cosy place in which to put me — preferably near your own room .
17 As an example , take a spider in which each individual needs to find a good place in which to put its web , but good places for making webs are in short supply .
18 De Quincey was more or less in hiding from Edinburgh people to whom he owed large sums of money , so Glasgow , a thriving and blackening metropolis of 365 , 000 souls , was the ideal place in which to eat your opium and keep your head down .
19 These wasps , which are common in sandy areas , dig a small burrow in which to lay their eggs .
20 Each player has been set an individual achievement target , and has the security of a year-long period in which to prove himself .
21 But , many pilots plan on the false assumption that they have the total time inbound in which to reach their DH .
22 Lynn says … she could n't have wished for a bigger meeting in which to make her first run for Britain … she 's been training hard since the end of the track season and is in good form
23 A favoured saying amongst biologists is that for any biological question god has created an ideal organism in which to study it .
24 There seem to be so many additives available for marine tanks that you would need a store room in which to keep them all .
25 Which — she strove to be positive — left her the whole day in which to take her ease in Mariánské Láznë .
26 Thus nowadays a company may have less than a decade in which to recoup its investment .
27 In the remoter corners of water authority empires , which have had little more than a decade in which to professionalize themselves since their formation in 1974 , gangs of river maintenance staff inherited from the far less environmentally accountable river boards have guarded their independence from interference by senior central management within their own organizations .
28 She smoothed her skin with oil and chose a short , ice-green robe in which to welcome him .
29 Once you can identify where it fits , you have a general framework in which to tackle it — or which you can challenge if you wish to .
30 The full theoretical significance of this idea has only been demonstrated recently by anthropologists who have turned again to Marx in order to find a framework in which to place their observations [ Gedelier , 1977 ] .
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