Example sentences of "[noun sg] in the first part " in BNC.

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1 What was the cost of basic subsistence in the first part of the eighteenth century ?
2 The discourse of astrophysics dominates as an organizing metaphor in the first part of the novel where it structures Someone 's identity .
3 Social themes are not of major importance in the first part of the exhibition .
4 Friday the 13th , Nightmare on Elm Street , Alien , Dead Ringers and all those spine-tinglers we watch as we munch our popcorn are put under the microscope in the first part of Channel 4 's new series Reel Secrets .
5 But England 's funereal approach handed New Zealand the initiative in the first part of the day , with Reeve 's 167-minute 18 leading the retreat to the trenches .
6 Whereas the emphasis in the first part of the research will be on the interaction between the construction of ideas about marriage and the ideologies and development of the marital agencies , the focus of the second part will narrow into a detailed case study of the activities and development of one organisation , the National Marriage Guidance Council .
7 Our main conceptual framework in the first part of the research is one which builds upon a dual understanding of marriage as both relationship and institution .
8 Finds of Greek pottery at Bet-Zur on the road from Jerusalem to Hebron are signs of brisk trade in the first part of the fifth century .
9 These functions have been well carried out by Baedeker guides since the foundation of the German firm in the first part of the nineteenth century .
10 Our objective in the first part of this chapter is to combine these pieces of analysis and so derive a more general model ( developed originally by J.R .
11 Students apply for entry to an honours degree , but admission to the honours years depends on performance in the first part of the course .
12 The element of active effort in the discipline of the inner life in the first part of The Form seems linked to the sense of the first two degrees .
13 The animal feed market has seen slow volume growth in the first part of 1993 with a relatively mild winter and Dairy farmers ' concern about their milk production going over quota combining to depress demand .
14 This study , showing no difference between antral and duodenal mucosa in patients with duodenal ulcer , confirms the earlier finding of a structural similarity with the phospholipid composition in the first part of the digestive tract .
15 This meant that the high pressure system which had established itself across the country in the first part of December , and the ensuing hard freeze , was next to useless from a winter climber 's point of view , with the crags totally bare .
16 Against the background of the general discussion in the first part of this chapter , the remainder of this section highlights some types of patients ' problems related to communicating and the relevant nursing activities .
17 In this case , Brenda not only accommodates to her father 's language variety ( Standard English , in terms of syntax ) but actually echoes his words in agreement in the first part of her turn .
18 These subjects were dealt with in detail in the first part of the chapter and should be recognised as background knowledge relevant to nursing in relation to the AL of maintaining a safe environment , so are not discussed further .
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