Example sentences of "[noun sg] to [be] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 LENNOX LEWIS , the WBC heavyweight champion , has accepted an invitation from the St Andrew 's Sporting Club to be special guest of honour at their monthly boxing promotion on Monday which features the Scottish lightweight title-holder , Kris McAdam , against Wayne Windle , of England .
2 17 April : Strange news : the Sun is sponsoring one of the challengers for the Labour leadership : ‘ Sun man 's bid to be Labour leader ’ .
3 Lola chairman Eric Broadley said in Formula One it was necessary for the team and its design department to be one operation and not separated .
4 On April 22 Rauf Denktash obtained 67.5 per cent of the vote to be re-elected President of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus ( TRNC , recognised only by Turkey ) , with relatively few voting for candidates of opposition parties which wanted to offer more concessions to the Greek Cypriots .
5 Bush was not the first senior industry figure to be left dumbstruck by the single-minded approach Kylie and her advisers were taking .
6 I am not a National Delegate , but IAOPA , who have some hundreds of thousands of members , is entitled to send a consultant to the meetings , and I have the honour to be that representative .
7 Some newcomers have been indifferent to the sensibilities of the local population ; others , as we shall see , have been oversensitive to what they believe the needs of the village to be-In each case the effect has been the same : members of the former occupational community , faced with an invasion of ‘ their ’ village by outsiders , have tended to retreat in upon themselves and form a community within a community , cutting themselves off from the separate world of the newcomers .
8 The fourth child of a Glasgow Gorbals haberdasher he rose by sheer hard work to be chief metallurgist of the Atomic Energy Authority and chairman of British Steel .
9 PS : Blandly found us an excellent man to be captain , and Silver found a man called Arrow to be first officer .
10 IRISH politicians are convinced that Scotland will win the battle to be European base for the American-owned Digital computer company .
11 You can consider exercise to be any movement you make .
12 I do n't know what you call the boss to be right drag point for
13 The sun was growing very hot , and the pool was the only place to be that day .
14 It 'll never rank with the French Riviera , but this council video aims to persuade at least a few people that Swindon 's the place to be next summer .
15 Blenheim Palace in Oxfordshire is the place to be this weekend to see the world 's best three day eventers in the Audi International Horse Trials .
16 If you 're a beer drinker , there 's only one place to be this weekend .
17 The Ulster Folk Museum at Cultra is the place to be this weekend — or any time this month — if you 're in love , happily married or about to be so .
18 With two more days of sunshine forecast , there wo n't be a better place to be this week than at New Road .
19 Would n't it be great if you did n't consider your job to be actual work because you really enjoyed it ?
20 The post to be twenty-six point oh five billion which will be distributed to Local Authorities on the basis of standard spending assessments .
21 The second area of the report which I would want to draw your attention to is that area concerned with growth and savings and a number have put forward in sections seven , eight , nine and ten of the report , that on pages six , seven and eight and it 's got within those growth and savings that we can work to the target set by the policy committee .
22 Rabuka made a series of confusing statements during 1990-91 , but appeared to indicate that he continued to harbour political ambitions , including a desire to be Prime Minister .
23 If it is claimed that reasons are needed for this verdict , which might be doubted , one has to do with the fact that we do not take all the causes of behaviour to be other behaviour .
24 In 1734 , for example , Gabriel Napier of Craigannet , the sheriff-depute of Stirlingshire , pressed Lord Ilay to help him add the office of keeper of the register of sasines for Stirling and the stewartry of Menteith to his official holdings , for he found the sheriffship to be more trouble than it was worth .
25 erm There seems on the whole to be general agreement throughout Western Europe about the kinds of things that ought to be covered by health and social security system _ industrial accidents , sickness , provision for old age and so on — and all the countries of the European Community , for example , have some kind of system that provide these sorts of benefits .
26 The most tantalising of opportunities has thus opened up for Mr Takeshita : the chance to be prime minister again .
27 What redress would the Baron have if the Spanish State simply declared the works of art to be Spanish patrimony , as it is a principle of public international law that a Sovereign state enjoys immunity from legal proceedings abroad ?
28 Second , in taking the argument to be necessary Nozick tacitly accepts that his theory is not as purely externalist as it might initially appear , and hence he can not claim immunity from an attack merely on the grounds that it is internalist .
29 In this way beliefs and values are denied their claim to be real knowledge .
30 Thus the central dogma of the constitution — that the sovereign nation could enact the constitution that suited it — could be derived alike from the premisses of the radicals or from the necessity of rebutting Joseph 's claim to be legal king of Spain as a result of the abdication of Bayonne : a transfer of the crown by Ferdinand alone was invalid por falta de consentimiento de la nación .
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