Example sentences of "[noun sg] and were [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Swindon swept forward after the break and were given a 50th-minute penalty when Martin Ling was brought down in the area .
2 After about two hours flying over the sea , they swung in over the coast and were given a welcoming burst of anti-aircraft fire .
3 The Venetians had already gained control of the Montenegrin coast and were developing the trade between the Adriatic ports and their Ottoman-held hinterland which was to bring them so much wealth during the ensuing centuries .
4 A consortium of Morgan Stanley , Barclays de Zoete Wedd and Gordon Capital bought a 9.5% stake and were offering the 6.5m shares for sale at $15.50 each .
5 Just as we 'd closed the window and were breathing a sigh of relief there was a loud knock on the door .
6 One party had come as a dragon and were doing a conga through the dancing couples , tail disintegrating even as the giant head bobbed up and down .
7 Mike the Rhodesian and I were on ‘ corvée ’ duties one afternoon and were carrying the dustbins out to the shed behind the cookhouse where all the rubbish was deposited , which was home to a lot of stray cats and some aggressive rats .
8 The political and ideological ferment of the interwar period , when the ideological and cultural were fused , created the historical conditions in which intellectuals , writers and artists were no longer distanced from the social process and were to play a significant role in national and international events .
9 At 1325 hours , when about 40 nautical miles from Goose Bay , the crew of the aircraft were advised that they were very short on fuel and were making a rapid descent for straight-in approach to runway 27 .
10 Some lecturers at Edge College of Higher Education have also joined the action day and were picketing the college .
11 We had been given an army escort and were following an officer who was taking us to the camp .
12 They had contacted selected publishers to seek support for the platform and were forecasting a launch in the autumn with a consumer market focus at a player price of about £250 .
13 QPR hardly made a chance and were given an even bigger mauling by boss Gerry Francis afterwards , who fumed : ‘ This is the first time we have conceded four since we were last here 15 months ago .
14 We had been at Orange for a week and were having a kit inspection .
15 Could she give us just a handful of examples of people who were moved from geriatric beds into the private sector in the early stages of the development of the policy and were given the assurance that she says was publicly given that the Government had no intention of meeting fees , however high ?
16 The engine leapt , shouted , and was tamed , and in less than a minute we had taken off from the little beach and were circling the island .
17 Three young men in cutoffs had colonized a triangular space and were flipping a Frisbee .
18 With this help , No. 1 Troop had fought their way from building to building up the landward side of the road and were attacking a house when Sergeant Culling was hit in the face and killed by a percussion grenade exploding on impact .
19 They had left the restaurant and were taking a few steps on the front .
20 Martha and Tilda were in the position of having no spending money , but this was less important when they were not attending school and were spared the pains of comparison , and they felt no bitterness against their mother , because she had n't any either .
21 Last night police roped off the area of the find and were searching the undergrowth .
22 An RUC spokesman said a police patrol spotted the suspect van and were clearing the area when the warning came , just minutes before the bomb exploded , showering people with glass and debris .
23 ‘ By then I reckon you had your back to the stage and were facing the barrel of the gun .
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