Example sentences of "[noun sg] and from a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Manufacturing suffered from poorer industrial relations as a result of Labour 's union policies , from nationalisation and from a lack of incentives .
2 The American Psychiatric Association has chosen eating disorders for the first of its series of detailed practice guidelines , derived from the literature and from a consensus of expert reviewers , to assist doctors in clinical decision making .
3 John Hill had queried Miller 's description and had published his views in Eden , or a Complete Body of Gardening ( 1759 ) and Justice retaliated in his British Gardener 's Calendar ( 1759 ) : ‘ I thought it my indispensable duty to give Mr. Miller his due , both from a love of truth and from a sense of gratitude to him for his public labours , as well as private friendship . ’
4 Members of the Board , senior managers and their guests at this year 's Open Golf raised an astonishing £1,300 by raffling two putters manufactured by Johnson Matthey Canada on each day and from a sweepstake on the final day .
5 This differentiates it both from a descriptive grammar and from a primer .
6 Well let's forget about that , let's forget about the two thousand odd people who 've said no , let's forget about the fact that there were these accidents in that road , because no we 've got the M forty the A forty four — well the A thirty four as it was — has been relieved of a lot of traffic and from a point of view from the Gipsy Working Party Committee they may well feel that they are even more entitled to go ahead with this site .
7 That all of them were good citizens and honourable men will be readily conceded from a consideration of the very constitution of the Society and from a perusal of the Bye-Laws , by which the Society is governed and there is reason to believe that they were also practitioners of the healing art .
8 The adherent properties and hydrophobicity of Escherichia coli isolates have been compared from the rectal mucosa of patients with active and inactive ulcerative colitis and from a control patient group .
9 Further obstacles come from the short-term costs of re-construction and from a lack of local buyers .
10 Working the 12 step Programme is not an end in itself but the method by which the sufferer is transformed from negativity to positively , from sickness to health and from a life of belligerence and blaming to a life that focuses upon creativity and an attitude of gratitude .
11 An example of magnetic field reconnection supplying energy in large-scale coronal structures was found ( , High Altitude Laboratory ) by comparing Yohkoh Soft X-ray Telescope ( SXT ) images with visible-light observations in the Hα line and from a coronameter at Mauna Loa in Hawaii .
12 The BBC is particularly singled out for criticism for its recent coverage and the exclusion of senior Presbyterian Church figures from televised discussions on the worsening political situation and from a BBC radio debate on Church representation on education boards .
13 ‘ From a spectator point of view and from a sponsor 's point of view , Indycar racing has a lot more to offer . ’
14 ensure that the pmodel scans both from a LIFESPAN header point of view and from a PMDL syntax point of view .
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