Example sentences of "[noun sg] and [vb base] [pron] the " in BNC.

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1 So we 'd got to take the card and show her the Mother , we 'd been .
2 If such an agreement can not be reached within 16 months , must the trade unions collapse and accept whatever the employer insists on ?
3 You will tell me if you find it was murder and give me the name of the murderer .
4 The prominent white clasts are fragments of anorthosites — calcium and aluminium-rich rocks that make up the bulk of the lunar highlands crust and give it the light colour that is visible from Earth .
5 The Recommendations look to the future and describe what the author of the report thinks should be done about the problem that has been the subject of so much investigation .
6 You must penetrate the disguise and discover what the question is really about .
7 There they will hire a minibus and drive themselves the 1,000 kilometres overland to Bophuthatswana .
8 ‘ Cut the crap and show me the pics , ’ he said .
9 He was referring to the times at Achnacarry when I would on occasion meet the trainees returning from a speed march and pipe them the last two miles back to the camp .
10 Hamish would take pity upon this sorry figure and give him the duffle-coat to keep himself warm .
11 Let his man make his way back there , and let me have the third horse and bring you the quickest way to Ullesthorpe .
12 When Batty comes back , why not preserve the current formation and make him the fifth defender , seeing as Speed seems to revel in the central midfield .
13 " To be fair , however , it must be said that the natives on the hill also applauded the firmness and resolve which the gentlemen displayed in our defence .
14 I 'll have to wait until Bluebeard 's in a mellow mood and tell him the truth .
15 Cyril Bradbury 's shocked daughter Denise had to make his breakfast at home and rush it the four miles to his bed wrapped in foil .
16 When they had gone , Cramer used the phone in the garage to put through a call to Sir Harry Marriott at his home and give him the news — the phone was more secure than a police radio band .
17 Please accept my application and enrol me as a member of The Literary Guild and send me the introductory books whose numbers I have printed in the boxes provided .
18 IT IS not a new idea to take an impressionable , imaginative girl and make her the saviour of a man on the run , providing food , warmth and emotional support .
19 ‘ There was a time recently when a friend of mine said she was in love and could I look up the man in question 's chart and tell her the truth ?
20 When asked to clarify his intended future playing policy , he said : ‘ Have a look and see what the team does in Spain , see how it plays and then we 'll talk about it . ’
21 Right , so now we 've got round to what we can do for the casualty , let's have a look and see what the body 's trying to do here and then we 'll say how you 'll help them a bit more .
22 This is to keep sight of the positives for so often professionals working with very vulnerable elderly people focus on the pathology and forget what the client may have going for her/him .
23 If you take your guitar to your local music shop and try out their range of pedals , the chances are that you will find something to do the job and save yourself the substantial cost of a new set of pickups .
24 It 's much better to look people in the eye and tell them the truth . ’
25 By itself it does n't prove a thing , but it 's my way of getting them to take me to Strathspeld for the funeral ; I can look McDunn in the eye and tell him the truth and he knows it 's the truth and he 'll take me .
26 Wing and leg it The security , with its metal detectors and baggage searches , would not have disgraced an El Al chicken counter .
27 Christmas is a celebration of the joy and hope which the birth of Jesus Christ has brought to millions throughout the ages .
28 It 's not just the better the members that we 've got working in the Health Service , it 's about everybody in the room and everybody in the country who wants to use it and we 've got ta get it a bi a bit higher up on the agenda at this union and I hope Mick , that you can give us the confidence and give us the commitment , that that 's what we 're gon na get from this union .
29 After a large crusade the Jeffreys would appoint a leader and give him the task of planting a new church with the fruits of the crusade .
30 Using this assumption , combined with general knowledge of the world , the receiver can reason from the literal , semantic meaning of what is said to the pragmatic meaning and induce what the sender is intending to do with his or her words .
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