Example sentences of "[noun sg] and [vb base] by [art] " in BNC.

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1 To watch him then was such a mingled joy of yearning and pity that sometimes , frightened of her waking thoughts but more afraid of the nightmares of sleep , she would carry her night-light into his bedroom and crouch by the cot for an hour or more , her eyes fixed on his sleeping face , her restlessness soothed by his peace .
2 This decision was received with disappointment and regret by the Roman Catholic Church .
3 This commitment , and the overall pacifist , pro-feminist , libertarian , green and non-exploitative ethos we espouse has generally led to our expressed opinions on the Pembroke Ranges issue being greeted with scepticism and distrust by the climbing establishment .
4 When I 'm really unhappy I eat chocolate and raw bacon and sleep by the fridge . ’
5 When the functions of the state had been reduced to routine accounting and control by the workers themselves , public functions would lose their political character ‘ and be transformed into simple administrative functions ’ ( p. 84 ) .
6 Despite tales about his marriage and ridicule by the tabloids , Prince Charles demands to be taken seriously .
7 At an ordinary time it would have been almost impossible to enter undetected , but tomorrow morning , when the Lord of Parfois brought home from France his forty knights and their followings , and the entire population of the castle came out to meet them and bring them in , then one more insignificant boy might very well slip unnoticed into the throng and get by the guard at the gate unchallenged .
8 They heard the geese know when to fly North , and when to fly South and navigate by the stars and by the lay lines in the earth , it 's just is n't it magical ?
9 It is quite wrong to posit a pathological process , as Aristotle does with his theory of katharsis , whereby the audience is purged of pity and fear by the solemn events of the play .
10 TONY BANKS , the Labour MP , is being sued for libel and slander by The Field , the country sports magazine , after he allegedly made derogatory comments in another magazine about a survey of MPs ' views on hunting , shooting and fishing .
11 If a major feature of the Co-operative Commonwealth was to be the ownership and control by the workforce of the particular enterprise employing them , if , in other words , it was to comprehend authentic industrial democracy , then the abrogation in 1875 of the workers ' rights and privileges of the workers employed in factories producing goods for sale in co-operative retail stores was a misdirection of the Movement .
12 For the Webbs ' prescription for Socialism was ownership and control by the State or municipality of the means of production or provision , the control to be exercised in the general interest .
13 In addition the insulin appears to be slightly more effective in the morning at promoting glucose uptake and use by the cells of the body .
14 By dusk , though , each day of dignity , Clary would return to his base and sit by the cathedral , with his inseparable friend for comfort — the ‘ funny stuff ’ .
15 Our observations suggest that the cutting of circular DNA is not dependent upon the presence of a second endonuclease molecule and that subsequent cutting of the linear DNA does not occur , therefore , this event may require a second endonuclease molecule and operate by a different mechanism .
16 There are important differences between a review by the prosecution and review by a process of police investigation analogous to scientific verification .
17 The economic embargo and blockade by the United States and the Contra war had left Nicaragua 's economy on its knees , and its population concentrating on day-to-day survival with terrifying levels of inflation , which by the beginning of 1988 had reached a staggering 30,000 per cent a year .
18 A little fat nun had once cried in the heat of Egypt 's afternoon , in the accents of County Cork , that she wished she could take off her flesh and sit by the well in her bones .
19 The kings of Poland , often foreigners , their hands tied by promises made to the greater nobility at their accession , had to submit to continuous scrutiny and control by the same nobles .
20 At the vertical climb position , apply full rudder to produce a stall turn and recover by a quarter loop into normal flight .
21 A film depicting a universal message of love and hope by the Dutch TV company IKON won the second prize .
22 This is a most beautiful residence created with great love and care by the owners , the Vaiani family , who now offer a very warm welcome and generous hospitality .
23 It is particularly pleasing that so much thought and work by the QC team should generate such enthusiasm from all who saw the results .
24 In the Masters he blew his chances by pushing an over-clubbed second shot into the crowd to take a bogey-five on the last hole and lose by a stroke to Jack Nicklaus after leading going into the last round .
25 They represent the transfer of energy from place to place , respectively transfer by the mean motion and transfer by the turbulence itself .
26 For instance , a work of scholarship devoted to an esoteric subject will sell for a significantly higher price than a novel of approximately the same length and format by a popular writer .
27 Hence black youth is subject to closer surveillance and control by the police , a form of policing more likely to generate further offences and more likely to be diverted to the juvenile bureau .
28 Communism is the left foot of socialism , and Fascism is the right foot , using socialism in the sense that it is total regimentation and control by the state .
29 But they were separated from al-Dhouri and Jassim by a line of soldiers clutching their Kalashnikovs , as if they fully expected the platform to be stormed by the pre-pubescent performers .
30 Harassment , detention and torture by the security forces are not uncommon .
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