Example sentences of "[noun sg] and [vb base] i [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 " Dear mermaids , wo n't you please turn the wheel and spin me down to the sea-king 's palace ? "
2 ‘ So you just barge into my bedroom and wake me up ? ’
3 One doctor was being driven home when he suddenly said : ‘ Stop the car and let me out ’ , at which he leapt out and ran off down the road into the dark .
4 My father come up to school , he come up there on a bike to see the schoolmaster and get me out to get a load of hay home .
5 ‘ Are you going to stop sitting there like some goddammed statue and fill me in on what 's going on in your head ? ’
6 The lads would stay put and do their washing , though one of them would drive into town at lunch-time and bring me back if I had not already managed to get a lift back myself .
7 And they 're real dangerous too — they might jump onto the pavement and swallow me up with their big eyes .
8 Five men came to my place and beat me up and put the torch to my place .
9 ‘ Be a pet and do me up , sweetie .
10 Only the day before I might have prayed for a stray round to puncture the car and my coffin and put me out of my endless misery .
11 ‘ Ah , but if you did n't , why bother to confirm my appointment in writing and fly me out first-class ?
12 ‘ Will you take Owen my message And bring me back his answer ?
13 ‘ Jack wanted to leave a message and take me back to the auberge .
14 ‘ Open this damned door and let me in ! ’
15 ‘ Just open the door and let me in .
16 Well when you all went , as you all left , when the last lot of redundancies were made , I said I 'm not paying no more union , Judith come over about the union meeting , I said I 'm not going to the meeting Judith and I said I want to come out of the union I 'm not paying any more , I said I ca n't afford ten pound a month for crap , well me and Jan had a big barney over it cos I never got on with her anyway and we had a big fucking row about it , she said the union this , the union that , I said where were the unions with my mates , they were n't in damn site , they were never there , we never saw one union representative from the day Audrey got done and we never ever saw erm till the last one got done , I said so do n't you tell me about the union I said they did fuck all , they were n't even here , so I said I do n't want to pay the union , and I said do n't tell me what to do Jane , I said what I do with me money is up to me I said get me out the union and get me out now , and then they all started , they all wanted to come out of it then , oh Maureen I think I might but what would Debbie say , I said Maureen do you ask her for a shit ?
17 Please guide my spirit and raise me up from depths of misery , so that my soul may be carried through your wisdom and may struggle fearlessly upwards in fiery flight .
18 I could see the beginning of cloud formations in the far west that looked as though they might thicken up and , since I wanted to get some shots of the Cove while the light was still good , I set off by Water Sinks , where the water from the Tarn sinks and does n't reappear again until some miles down the valley at Aire Head , and followed the footpath that would take me west of Watlowes dry valley and bring me down to the Cove by the pasture land above the Pennine Way .
19 Just bore a hole and pull me through
20 ‘ I 've given them this number and they 're going to test the line and call me back , ’ she said when Iris came in from the garden .
21 I need her to hold my hand and sit me down .
22 If they want to take it all away in the end and match me up with that slimy halfwit , why then take me up to the mountain and show me the world ?
23 I feel as if they 're gon na put me in a bag and shake me up .
24 The problem was finally solved by fixing a wire to my ankle and running it under the rock to an aqualunged diver , who on a signal from Stuart would tug on the wire and pull me down with the speed of an express lift , and would let go when my face turned blue .
25 I must have moaned : she looked at me coldly as if suspecting some kind of trickery , and then her face altered and she came across the room to take my arm and help me back to bed .
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