Example sentences of "[noun sg] and [adv] [pron] for " in BNC.

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1 I think also er , and this er , it may be that the er er URC does not want to be pushed round er , we got up er , to how many ministers this applies but I do know there are quite a number of ministers which who need their own cars a and a a at the church that pays the er , insurance , the road license and even something for the maintenance .
2 Erm and there were two very profound reasons for that , one was the decline in employment in southern agriculture , the increasing mechanization of agriculture displacing er millions of er agricultural workers er and the second and more important factor was that the southern states provide almost nothing in the way of social provision and certainly nothing for black people er whereas the northern states were much more generous .
3 It 's , I , I mean these , these , the work with , with the original action network seems to , seems to come and go , you 've got a very large amount at one point and then nothing for sometime , it just depends er , I think which country they 're targeting and how much there is , because we had quite a lot on Malawi did n't we during the early part on last year not much on South Africa recently , as if they do n't quite know what to do , you know with the situation there it 's not quite er clarified .
4 It very rarely happens that you take several fish in one period and then nothing for the remainder of the time you spend on the water .
5 , you are now being taped for posterity and also its for the English Oxford Dictionary
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