Example sentences of "[noun sg] and [verb] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 A big wave hit the side of the paddle wheel and sent white water over their heads .
2 His first work , Administrations Civil and Spiritual ( 1648 ) , counterposes the ‘ darkness ’ of formal religion and imposed social order to the inner light of personal spirituality and reason .
3 Their capacity for organotypic development is retained after isolation and shortterm primary culture .
4 In conclusion , we present a simple , reliable , and reproducible method of isolation and culturing bovine gall bladder epithelial cells , which remained viable for at least two weeks .
5 In countries like Egypt , instructions to workers to stay out of fields after spraying and to wear protective clothing are widely ignored , she said .
6 First , the advent of the 1988 Housing Act and the limiting of Housing Association Grant to an average 75 per cent of development costs forces housing association and housing co-operative developments to secure the balance of funding from private sources .
7 The following messages emerged from interviews with staff and pupils in the six case-study schools about how to combat casual truancy and promote good attendance .
8 And even St George — if Gibbon is correct — wore a top hat once ; he was an army contractor and supplied indifferent bacon
9 If successful , it would be their intention to maintain Ferranti 's position as a leading UK defence contractor and to share operational responsibility for Ferranti 's businesses with overall management vested in British Aerospace .
10 Composites : essentially manufacturers in their own right which stock and sell other manufacturers ' products .
11 The virus preyed on sows and piglets , in particular killing the young stock and causing pregnant animals to abort .
12 Network SouthEast , struggling to cope with its massive upsurge in business , proceeded with complete refurbishment of serviceable 1960s stock and started massive investment in new trains , notably its Networker .
13 Now Benjamin had unmasked many a killer and brought numerous murderers to boot .
14 Bryan Gould , Labour 's trade and industry spokesman , yesterday posed for photographers with a Co-op credit card the size of a tea tray : ‘ There are middle class Labour supporters … no , it wo n't contribute to the credit boom … change your credit card and help Labour win . ’
15 By notice of appeal dated 12 February 1991 Mr. Pierson appealed against that refusal on the grounds , inter alia , that the Divisional Court had erred ( 1 ) in ruling that it was not unlawful for the Secretary of State to increase the tariff recommended by the Lord Chief Justice and the trial judge for the purposes of determining a prisoner 's first parole review date and ( 2 ) in ruling that Mr. Pierson was not entitled to know in advance the factors which the Secretary of State proposed to take into account in fixing the tariff and to make informed representations in the light of that knowledge .
16 Lifting and carrying heavy bags of rubbish .
17 Once a chemical has entered a pond and caused widespread damage , it is essential to take everything out and scrub the entire pool several times , emptying and refilling with clean water before restocking with fish and plants .
18 The urge to return to the sea is now so great that they will wriggle out of a pond and cross dew-drenched meadows if that is necessary to reach a stream that will lead them to salt water .
19 Aromatherapy ( massage with fragrant essential oils ) is not only sybaritic experience but can ease tension , improve circulation and release accumulated tensions .
20 Skin Tonique from Clairol is a complete battery operated facial skin care system which incorporates a Cleansing Brush to keep skin scrupulously clean ; a Toning Massager to gently stimulate circulation and encourage natural exfoliation and an Exfoliator to help speed up the process .
21 In a keynote address on July 15 , Major called on G-7 leaders to " build a world partnership and strengthen international order " by adopting a five-point plan covering global arms control , a strengthened UN , international free trade , support for the democratic movements in eastern Europe and the Soviet Union , and increased trade with these countries .
22 For example , optical brightening agents for that ‘ whiter than white look ’ , bleaches , perfumes for freshness , and fillers which add bulk and prevent other ingredients from sticking to each other .
23 They have inertia , mass and momentum and obey centrifugal force .
24 The use of tests also depends upon certain assumptions about the nature of the data , such as whether or not it is normally distributed , is of roughly equal within-group variability and reflects independent observations .
25 Measuring 12′6″ × 7′6″ having door to master bedroom and providing alternative use as dressing room or potential en-suite .
26 You go into your bedroom and go calm Josie , one two three four five six seven eight nine ten bitch .
27 They 're useful in surgery to keep blood flowing at the right speed and sucking old blood from re-attached parts so new blood flows in quickly .
28 We are trying to drag them here so as to get direct investment and to get foreign capital without incurring foreign debt .
29 On Oct. 14 the ANC released a report which recognized the important role of foreign investment and reassured foreign corporations that they would be free to take their profits out of the country under an ANC government .
30 In Malawi opposing the president and advocating multi-party democracy is considered sedition .
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