Example sentences of "[noun sg] and [noun] at a " in BNC.

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1 This is vital if we are to continue to lose weight and inches at a satisfactory rate , and essential if we are not to return to our previous shape .
2 SENIOR students at Brackenhoe School , Middlesbrough , talked on a one-to-one basis with representatives from industry and training at a careers convention yesterday .
3 Opposition groups dismissed the constitutional changes as a device to gain Western aid and approval at a time of economic crisis .
4 Professor Jack Shaw , the SHEFC 's chairman , said the system for allocating funds was meant to be predictable and would allow clear budgeting and stability at a time when student numbers have been growing rapidly , some fee levels have been cut sharply , and large efficiency gains expected .
5 It offered clear advice , practical help and encouragement at a critical time .
6 Both laboratory experiments and numerical simulations have demonstrated that plumes can arise only at a boundary between convective regimes , such as that between the Earth 's core and mantle at a depth of 2,900 km .
7 Hamish and George Deans were removed as chairman and vice-chairman at a board meeting in May .
8 I know of one evangelist who puts aside one day a month for prayer and retreat at a Roman Catholic monastery where he receives much support .
9 The need for greater punishment might arise , but correct teaching and training at a very early age can reduce the risk .
10 In 1956 , the French critic Bernard Gavoty published a monograph on Karajan that was much preoccupied with Karajan 's temperament and musicianship at a time when he was being increasingly regarded more as an ambitious virtuoso superstar than as a totally dedicated musician .
11 Above all , globalization is a political process , involving issues that demand decision and action at a level higher than the individual nation-state .
12 Hankin appealed for fans ' patience and encouragement at a critical stage of the season .
13 Part One of the book deals with creativity and innovation at a general , even theoretical , level .
14 They traded in spices , wool , silk and money at a time when Augsburg and Ingolstadt lay on the main trade route from the Mediterranean to the Baltic .
15 But in hotels where mass arrivals are not an issue , there is a trend towards the residential welcome , with attractive carpeting and registration at a table , with the weary traveller comfortably seated .
16 Thus , despite the fact that he had dealt with the relationship of town and countryside at a very abstract level Bukharin did try to grapple with some of the fundamental , enduring and concrete problems arising from the revolutionary transformation of the economy .
17 To accommodate the former a whole range of speculative buildings appeared , largely the product of individual estimates of need and attempts at a quick profit .
18 Medical and veterinary faculties ( for which the competition was high , the numbers limited ) could lay down that candidates would not be considered unless they got high grades in physics , chemistry and biology at A level .
19 Such bonds may build up before either party is fully aware of the connection , for they can be formed through a process of initiative and response at a very deep level .
20 The central Asian Soviet republic of Kazakhstan declared its eastern region , close to the Chinese and Mongolian borders , an ecological disaster zone on September 27 , after an explosion and fire at a nuclear fuel processing plant released clouds of highly toxic beryllium oxide into the atmosphere on September 12 .
21 The explosion came less than 24 hours after an explosion and fire at a gas holder in nearby Gateshead .
22 For ten years she worked the streets — you know , giving head and hand at a dollar a dick .
23 Care proceedings were started in the juvenile court and placement at a Dr. Barnardo 's establishment was started .
24 Inevitably there were problems of intra- and inter-institutional conflict and jealousies at a time when three tiers of administration — the city , the county and central government — were all involved .
25 Young people in Cleveland get the chance to assess their education and training at a weekend school organisers hope will influence the decision-makers .
26 Rebecca , more unusually , was an LBT — a Loud Blowsy Tart , normally an evening job guaranteed to embarrass you in front of your wife and friends at a night out at the theatre or similar .
27 But by a proud assertion of " independence " , an eighteenth-century artisan more likely would have been referring to his ability to maintain a wife and family at a proper standard without recourse to charity or poor relief .
28 The 36-year-old victim of a stabbing incident had suffered multiple wounds to his back and stomach at a house in Bailey Bridge Road , Braintree , said Inspector Roy Dennis , head of Braintree and Witham CID .
29 During the seven-year period 1642 to 1649 , parliament also designated the last Wednesday of each month as a solemn day of ‘ fasting and humiliation ’ , which was to be observed by abstinence from food and drink and attendance at a day-long round of religious exercises aimed at producing both personal and national reformation .
30 The usual planting time is this month and October at a distance of four to six inches apart and five inches deep .
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