Example sentences of "[noun sg] of [pn reflx] [coord] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This involves a difference in teachers ' perception of themselves and of other professionals .
2 ‘ For heaven 's sakes ! ’ he exclaimed , shocked to find that his wife , usually acidly in command of herself and of anyone else who came near her , could possibly be reduced to tears .
3 For example , the two competing public interests in employment cases are : ( a ) a person should be held to his promise ; and ( b ) every person should be free to exercise his skill and experience to the best advantage of himself and of those who may want to employ him ( see Lord Atkinson in Morris ( Herbert ) v Saxelby [ 1916 ] 1 AC 688 ) .
4 To sum up what I have outlined so far , the view of Wimsatt and Brooks is that the essential property of poetry consists in the reconciliation of harmonization of opposites ; that this takes the form of an objective organization of the objective meanings of words ; and that although the same organization generally can not be found in other kinds of discourse , it nonetheless contributes to our knowledge and experience of ourselves and of the world .
5 It requires a conscious act of experiencing a reflection of yourself and of how you have become what you are !
6 He cringed from that single revelation of himself and of his motive , even while knowing it was n't really true to his nature , that the instance had come , gone and never would return .
7 This means that first , they lead to unforeseeable results , and second , that the internal structure of social objects contains ‘ the double negation of themselves and of each constituent part by the other ’ ( II , 22 ) .
8 to take reasonable care for the health and safety of himself and of other persons who may be affected by his acts or omissions at work ; and
9 Again , like many other therapies , questions will be asked to give an overall picture of yourself and after a consultation a remedy may be given .
10 The poem , of epic proportions , illuminates the way in which Will arrives at such " kynde knowynge " which embraces both knowledge of himself and of the love of God .
11 Blanche is made a victim through Stanley 's bestial behaviour but Blanche has brought much of what she got on herself through her lies and deception of herself and of others .
12 ‘ 2(1) A person 's appropriation of property belonging to another is not to be regarded as dishonest — ( a ) if he appropriates the property in the belief that he has in law the right to deprive the other of it , on behalf of himself or of a third person ; or ( b ) if he appropriates the property in the belief that he would have the other 's consent if the other knew of the appropriation and the circumstances of it ; or ( c ) ( except where the property came to him as trustee or personal representative ) if he appropriates the property in the belief that the person to whom the property belongs can not be discovered by taking reasonable steps .
13 7.1 You shall indemnify us against all loss , actions , costs , claims , demands , expenses and liabilities whatsoever ( if any ) which we may incur either at common law or by statute in respect of personal injury to or the death of any person or in respect of any loss or destruction of or damage to property ( other than as a result of any default or neglect of ourselves or of any person for whom we are responsible ) which shall have occurred in connection with any work executed by you against this Order or shall be alleged to be attributable to some defect in the goods .
14 This order is given on the condition that ( without prejudice to the generality of Condition 7.1 ) you will indemnify us against all loss , actions , costs , claims , demands , expenses and liabilities whatsoever ( if any ) which we may incur either at common law or by statute ( other than as a result of any default or neglect of ourselves or of any person for whom we are responsible ) in respect of personal injury to , or the death of , any such employees , agents , sub-contractors or other representative while on our premises whether or not such persons are ( at the time when such personal injury or deaths are caused ) acting in the course of their employment .
15 The question now arises : can that rational animal Man ever become more than an animal which criticizes its own spontaneous tendencies in the light of its awareness of itself and of external conditions ?
16 Marx never interested himself in how individuals arrive at their sense of themselves or in what motivates them to behave well or badly .
17 Neither is it necessary to have what is known as a ‘ spiritual experience ’ — a single moment in time when the individual has a sense of himself and of the world in a way which transcends both the physical and the psychological .
18 The National Portrait Gallery habitually commissions portraits of notable figures for its collection , and , of course , members of the Royal Family are painted regularly , providing a time-lapse documentary of themselves and of the fashions of their age , both in clothes and in painting .
19 If this is an alternative , let it be aired before it is too late to act , for the quality for life of ourselves and for our children rests upon our careful deliberation and action now : We can no longer afford the luxury of complacency and continuous contingency reactions
20 The glass was spotted and discoloured now , and in its depths Louise saw only a sepia-tinted reproduction of herself and of the room behind her .
21 Such recall led the individual to a deeper understanding of himself and of the traumatic effect on his life of the hitherto ‘ forgotten ’ incidents .
22 He wanted to know what had happened , wanted to understand the dynamics of the situation and to store it away as part of his constantly changing , growing understanding of himself and of those around him .
23 Furthermore , drama is one of the key ways in which children can gain an understanding of themselves and of others , can gain confidence in themselves as decision-makers and problem-solvers , can learn to function collaboratively , and can explore — within a supportive framework — not only a range of human feelings , but also a whole spectrum of social situations and/or moral dilemmas .
24 His will is an eloquent testimony of how conventional he was in his views — requiring Requiem Masses and prayers in perpetual memory of himself and of his family — and of how little he foresaw ( for how could he ? ) the changes which were to affect the church — and his bequests — during the next century with the coming of the Reformation .
25 Griffith was seduced by his own myth of himself and by the preoccupations of the Progressive era into believing that he was a serious thinker , whereas in truth he was an old-fashioned story-teller who had spontaneously discovered how the technology of film could be used to give stories a tremendous power .
26 Article 25 ( 1 ) of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights , subscribed by the United Kingdom in December 1948 , runs as follows : ‘ Everyone has a right to a standard of living adequate for the health and wellbeing of himself and of his family , including medical care. ,
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