Example sentences of "[noun sg] of [art] [det] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The effect of parity on infant mortality may be partly due to the association of parity with birth weight and to the association of the latter with mortality ( see the next section ) .
2 In the longer run , a measure which drew the line between voters and voteless was bound to increase the consciousness of the latter in ways that would encourage an upsurge of working-class political aspirations .
3 Traditionally , the connection between the police and the party in power locally has been very close , and the susceptibility of the former to the wishes of the latter has been much greater than in Britain .
4 The espousal of citizenship in particular , and philosophical Idealism in general , coincided with the growth of New Liberalism , a radical political creed which was virtually synonymous with economic and social reform and , therefore , it is not easy to separate the theory and practice of the former from that of the latter .
5 The knock on effect of the latter throughout the fish processing sector explains the relatively depressed performance in the Food and drink sector .
6 In this article we have reviewed the extensive literature on client participation and effectiveness and the limited literature in which the effect of the former on the latter was examined .
7 The finding that even severe depression does not lead to a lowering of blood pressure suggests that the mild depression and decreased wellbeing associated with low blood pressure in the studies referred to above is not due to a causal effect of the former on the latter , which strengthens the case for the existence of a hypotensive syndrome .
8 His typical product is a three-storeyed rectangular block , which represents in essence the standard late seventeenth-century ‘ double pile ’ brought up to date by the replacement of the hipped roof of the latter by an attic storey and crowning parapet .
9 Signatories specified that signature by the Soviet republics did not imply recognition of the latter as independent states .
10 The Report distinguished between homosexuality as a ‘ condition ’ and homosexual behaviour , and , although it advocated the removal of the latter from the criminal law , it remained firm in its condemnation of homosexuality .
11 The day was marred only slightly by the presence of a few of that fraternity who find out about all such events , spend the whole day taking photographs and video and contribute very little or nothing back into the hobby .
12 The work of the former on jus cogens , the Draft Code of Offences against Mankind , and the concept of an international State crime and the consequences of the commission thereof all develop the concept of obligations owed to the international legal community , and possible third party responses to violation .
13 The examples given of settlements in Canada , Australia and New Zealand demonstrate the influence of a few of the colonisers who went out from Ayrshire and give an indication of the varied circumstances and locations in which the emigrants started their new lives .
14 Apart from providing valuable historical and ethnographic information , voluntary associations raise important theoretical issues such as the question of relationship between voluntary and involuntary groupings and the influence of the latter on the former along with the importance of class and race in the development of voluntary associations .
15 ‘ What 's it all mean ? ’ asked Lewis , as he sat at the table , with a pint of Brakspear for Morse and a half of the same for himself .
16 The politeness of the cultured towards the uncultured , the hurt defiance of the latter to the former , compound one another .
17 He was elected a member of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers in 1879 , and the Institution of Civil Engineers in 1881 , serving as a member of the council of the latter in 1894 .
18 Metaphysics , he writes , ‘ transcendence , the welcoming of the other by the same , of the Other by me , is concretely produced as the calling into question of the same by the other , that is , as the ethics that accomplishes the critical essence of knowledge ’ ( 43 ) .
19 As to transfer of the latter to the High Court see s 37 of the Matrimonial and Family Proceedings Act 1984 Ord 16 , r 12 and Rayden on Divorce should be consulted .
20 Using traditional measures of religiosity , he has pointed out the apparent failure of English catholic schools to produce better catholics and fewer ex-catholics than state or other schools , and has inferred the likelihood of the same for Irish schools .
21 If we want to know when the counterfactuals definitive of holist explanation can be sustained , we shall have to study the links between constraints such as those imposed by the longue durée and the attributes of individuals in considerable detail ; and this in turn requires the separation of the latter from the mélange of événements .
22 Also on Feb. 15 the Latvian Supreme Soviet finally passed a law , awaited since October 1988 [ see p. 36487 ] , on restoring to official use the flag , state emblems and national anthem of independent Latvia in place of the those of Soviet Latvia .
23 Important long term developments include the change of the customer base from individuals to institutions , and the increasing receptiveness of the latter to new currencies and instruments , the increase in volatility of exchange and interest rates , the advent of bought deals , deregulation of national securities markets , the declining segmentation of the different currency and instrument sectors of the euromarkets , the growing sophistication of corporate customers , financial innovation and unbundling of financial services .
24 You know it was once said that the front page of newspapers record man 's failures … the back page man 's achievements … well this year hopefully we recorded the enjoyment that the challenge of sport brings to all … here 's a re-run of the some of the best bits of ninety two … no words from me just the pictures
25 It obviously took the photographer , Arthur Richardson , some time to set up his equipment as he has attracted the attention of a few of the locals .
26 The importance of the former for the latter is not at all diminished by exhibiting languageless creatures that can associate across modes .
27 And she lays all on top of the all on top of the dressing ta and she 's never done it before has she ?
28 Her main interests were the cinema and horse-racing ; she drew upon her knowledge of the latter in Brat Farrar ( 1949 ) , a novel featuring a false claimant to an estate .
29 So , whereas in the psychoanalytic account , homophobia might well signal the precariousness and instability of identity , even of sexual difference itself , in the materialist socio-political account it typically signals the reverse , namely that sexual difference is being secured , homophobia being ‘ a mechanism for regulating the behaviour of the many by the specific oppression of a few ’ ( Sedgwick , Between Men , 88 ) .
30 In the descriptive sense all that is needed is to take a series array of Voigt-Kelvin models or a parallel array of Maxwell models , writing for the behaviour of the latter under a constant strain for the former under creep conditions .
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