Example sentences of "[noun sg] of [verb] what [art] " in BNC.

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1 v. Lindley Lord Reid said , ‘ A case where a defendant presents to the plaintiff the alternative of doing what the defendant wants him to do or suffering loss which the defendant can cause him to incur is not necessarily in pari casu and may involve questions which can not arise where there is intimidation of a third person . ’
2 After Dan Salmon 's funeral , Charlie tried to read the Daily Chronicle every morning in the hope of discovering what the second battalion , Royal Fusiliers , were up to and where his father might be .
3 In the legislature , the people are a check upon the nobility , and the nobility a check upon the people ; by the mutual privilege of rejecting what the other has resolved : while the King is a check upon both , which preserves the executive power from any encroachments .
4 I must take the opportunity of saying what a marvellous job I thought both Captains did .
5 I 'm still sort of puzzling what the best thing , best thing to do for that hedge down there .
6 Eighteen months previously President Kennedy had ordered the withdrawal of the American missiles in Turkey but eighteen months later those missiles were still there and when Kennedy was presented with this bargain , bargaining counter by Khrushchev he sort of shouted at his chiefs of staff and secretary of defence and anyone else he could shout at and sort of said what the hell are those missiles still doing in Turkey , I told you eighteen months ago for God 's sake get rid of them !
7 Strategic planning is the business of deciding what the main goals of the organization are and what policies should be adopted in pursuing them .
8 Talks incessantly to the point of forgetting what the original question was , using long , rambling sentences which go on for so long that the interviewee ca n't remember where they started .
9 In the context of immediate decisions such as doctors may be called upon to make , the concept of doing what the judge called ‘ preserving the prospect of an informed decision ’ is wholly inapposite .
10 Family doctors are trained in the art of discovering what the patient has really come to see them about .
11 The Epitome or Gaius ' Institutes still distinguishes between legacies and trusts , and even goes to the trouble of explaining what the difference is .
12 She had a good view of the hospital entrance , so she started her private game of guessing what the people were .
13 This distinction between the effort of the CBHPs and the effort of communities is a useful one in that CBHPs can not take upon themselves the role of providing what a national government can not or will not provide .
14 Yet , this is not an argument against quantification per se , only against its premature use in advance of knowing what the mathematical properties of the phenomena of social life might be .
15 And finally Mr chairman on this point , we did in fact do some checking to see the sense of using what the county planning committee had recommended to the H er Highways and Transport Committee that they should regard the six five eight , A five nine one as the correct link to the A one .
16 The ethics of bargaining are debatable ; there is scope for unjustifiable coercion ; and equal treatment as between applicants can be abandoned in favour of charging what the market will bear at any particular time .
17 He had no way of knowing what the President thought .
18 Alternatively , we could use an electronically-controlled variable-speed turntable , but we have no absolute way of knowing what the correct speed is .
19 Political activities such as party meetings and rallies can be observed and supervised , but there is no way of controlling what an individual listens to on his radio set .
20 However , I find Turner 's work on the results of such movement into the liminal state to be a very useful way of interpreting what an insider experiences when he moves to the margins of his own domain , and I suspect that many such transformations across fiercely defended boundaries of cultural experience lend the individual the chance to stand aside and reflect on his subjective place in the order of things .
21 This is a way of showing what an owl 's pellet looks like when it comes out of the bird , and then ‘ dissecting ’ it to show the various bones and other indigestible bits and pieces that pass through the owl 's system .
22 He seemed greatly recovered , and resigned to the idea of using what the church so obligingly had offered .
23 erm it seemed so disappointing to me that I mean we go to the bother of producing what a fifty odd page telephone directory and people do n't even look at it
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