Example sentences of "[noun sg] the same [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In each case the same serious message is coming through — we are poisoning our environment , we are disrupting the interrelating ecosystems that form the background to human existence , we are endangering God 's creation .
2 What an insult the same responsible residents were the very first to organise a petition against the closure , because they feared the consequences in the delay to emergency services .
3 On board the same early morning express yesterday from Poole — via Bournemouth , Southampton and Basingstoke — few passengers marked the anniversary of the disaster .
4 At present the same old names continue to back projects such as those underpinning the NI , which aims to promote the physical regeneration of Grey Street ( Newcastle 's high street ) , improve links with the 42 Japanese companies in the area , back publicity for the region and attack inner city problems .
5 In order to isolate the recognition performance from the other variables affecting the text recognition the same written text was taken and ‘ corrupted ’ to produce lattices of different quality .
6 At the penalty shoot-out the same dogged evenness was maintained — it went to sudden death .
7 He is drinking soda pop out of a can the same shrill dayglo orange colour as emergency road markings .
8 During the whole study period the same strict policy was adopted : patients underwent endoscopy at admission as soon as they were haemodynamically stable and emergency sclerotherapy was initiated ass a primary therapy in case of active or recent variceal bleeding using either polidocanol or more recently cyanoacrylate .
9 In this group the same therapeutic regime of enteral terra fullonica did not eliminate endotoxaemia ( 35 mg trinitro benzene sulphonic acid/ethanol , endotoxin conc 35.9 ( 13.3 ) pg/ml ; 25 mg trinitro benzene sulphonic acid/ethanol , endotoxin conc 4.2 ( 1.4 ) pg/ml ) .
10 Moreover , we may point out that even if corresponding attributive and predicative adjectives ( occurring with the same noun ) could be relied on to share the same referential locus , that would be no justification for leaping to an assertion that the two elements are actually " the same " tout court , and even less for claiming that the structural positions they occupy are alternative forms of each other .
11 For instance , using only components of the quartal chord D , G , C , F , we can move as follows , by abandoning the strict use of fourths without transposition , and using the notes in different groupings and in different registers : In spite of the abandoning of strict usages of harmony in fourths , it will be felt that in the above example the same harmonic mood persists throughout .
12 They offer to the consumer the same broad range of musical production and use a similar range of criteria in choosing which specific recordings to make and distribute .
13 For the candidate the same basic rules of selling yourself apply as for one-to-one interviews .
14 The readings in this section approach the same basic question from a number of different starting points .
15 It is interesting that in Stenobothrus rubicundus the same nervous mechanism can induce two different activities : thoracic motor neurons produce identical firing patterns in controlling leg and wing movements so that certain fundamental features of the wing-beat pattern recur in stridulatory movements of the leg ( Elsner , 1974 ) .
16 By the end of the war this culture had been defeated , and the victorious Puritans and their nonconformist allies who had gained control of the reins of central government believed they now had an opportunity to impose on the whole nation the same moral reforms that prior to 1640 they had struggled to instigate piecemeal at a local level .
17 This of course means that in principle the same minor arousal manipulation may impair the performance of one subject and yet improve the performance of a different subject and nonetheless remain consistent with an overall inverted-U relationship .
18 ‘ Softly , softly , catchee monkey ’ was one of Baden-Powell 's mottos for his Boy Scouts , and no doubt the same stealthy philosophy was in evidence here .
19 I heard the same sigh , and no doubt the same gravelled reluctance of speech , though I ca n't remember anything he said .
20 I welcome the proposal in the Green Paper ’ Industrial Relations in the 1990s ’ to extend to the general public the same legal right to request an injunction from a court of law to stop illegal industrial action affecting a public service or an essential utility as is available to companies in law .
21 It had disintegrated ( in despair , one assumed ) many years ago , but Dorothy continued to bawl furiously at passing vehicles and to write letters to the commanding officer of the local airbase , who returned each time the same duplicated reply of infinite courtesy and obscurity .
22 If it was any consolation the same basic problems existed in the Church of England , while among Roman Catholics few if any clergy were well paid .
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