Example sentences of "[noun sg] ask for a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In July 1947 , the Ministry asked for a statement concerning the hospital premises and funds .
2 The buyer asked for a copy of the restrictions ; they were not forthcoming , the seller having no copy .
3 One branch asked for a dispensation .
4 His Superintendent asked for a priest to go to the island of Molokai where a colony of lepers lived in appalling conditions .
5 Is he aware that the chief inspector of prisons , Judge Tumim , has deplored any possible demise of the Apex Trust , that the Archbishop of Canterbury is raising private funds for the trust and that the Secretary of State received an all-party delegation to ask for a rescue package for it ?
6 It is our usual practice to ask for a payment in advance of costs and thereafter to submit an interim bill every six months .
7 The developer asked for a set of QA listings to assess for himself if the person assigned to QA would approve the package .
8 Someone came from County Hall to ask for a list of folk for decoration .
9 When they arrived home , Liz quickly wrote to the curator of the castle 's museum to ask for a pattern of the dress , only to be told that it had been copied from an 1898 issue of the London Illustrated News .
10 One was from her husband asking for a meeting .
11 The latter was now staring at the Van Gogh boats and the milky sea and sky through poppy-scarlet lenses , which Frederica thought was perverse , although she wished she had the courage to ask for a moment to put them on , to see all this .
12 ‘ If in some sort the brothers all stand accused by this present word , ’ said Earl Robert helpfully , ‘ it is they , the humbler children of the household , who have the best right to ask for a name .
13 For sure Cabinets were made and unmade on the floor of the House , but the Cabinet for its part could unmake the House of Commons because it enjoyed the right to ask for a dissolution and after the election it could look for support from amongst members in a new House of Commons .
14 In 1984 the WCFBA Plenary Assembly asked for a Synod entirely on the biblical apostolate in the Church .
15 Secondly , the hon. Gentleman asked for a change of policy that would ensure that , before people were discharged from long-stay hospitals , proper provision was made for them in the community .
16 In addition , you will need good relations with the media for you 'll often find yourself ringing a newspaper asking for a couple of hours " grace .
17 They met after care assistant Gillian , of Aintree , put an ad in a Forces ' newspaper asking for a pen-pal a year ago .
18 The father found out what had happened and on 22 November 1991 issued an application in the local family proceedings court asking for a residence order , the effect of which would be to revoke the care order .
19 But he thought it a reasonable request to ask for a route and he took himself away to Tara 's great map room to procure maps for them .
20 And when your client is buying from executors or administrators , remember , as you make your notes on title , to include a reminder to make a requisition asking for a memorandum of the conveyance to your client to be endorsed on the probate or letters of administration on completion , and to be furnished with a copy .
21 A bitterly-upset Goodway asked for a move after being left out of Wigan 's squad for last night 's game at Sheffield .
22 On being told that the men still unaccounted for could not be contacted by the trapped men , the Manager asked for a volunteer to go down from the surface and search inwards from the main shaft .
23 JOHN Z. DeLOREAN , facing drug charges in the US following the collapse of his Northern Ireland sports-car firm , this week asked for a reduction in bail because he is short of money .
24 ‘ I came across a very bewildered woman asking for a cigarette and I asked her where she lived and took her home .
25 A white woman asks for a bath , and they go and give her the key to the bathroom , things like that .
26 A dying man asked for a chair to be placed by his bedside , because he sensed that Jesus Christ was sitting beside him in the darkness throughout the night .
27 ‘ If Chief Justice Fortescue asked for a report , we could pose many questions and few solutions , Sir John . ’
28 At that point Wendy Handy 's seven year old daughter asked for a drink .
29 ‘ What I hope will come out of the book is this : the Americans have a joint US/Russian commission which is looking into the matter , and I think it is about time that the British government asked for a seat on that commission .
30 Liverpool Liberal Democrat MP David Alton has written to the Home Secretary asking for a night watchman and better policing around the grounds of St Anne 's School in Overbury Street , Edge Hill , Liverpool .
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