Example sentences of "[noun sg] call [pron] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Sometimes women at work call her a fat Irish pig .
2 ‘ I used to love listening to Elvis records , which helped me pick up the lingo , and now everyone in the business calls me the Rocking Singh .
3 His own group called itself the Free Conservatives , set up an office to rival that of the official party , and supplied money and professional assistance to rebels at by-elections .
4 There was brawling at the Republicans ' conference in West Berlin in July 1989 and in mid-October a splinter group calling itself the Democratic Republicans of Germany ( Demokratische Republikaner Deutschlands ) was formed in Hannover .
5 They had been arrested on Dec. 17 and held at the premises of the Directorate of Territorial Surveillance in Abidjan accused of the possession of documents supporting a group calling itself the Democratic Convention of African People , material considered hostile to the Eyadema regime .
6 Other incidents included explosions on April 2 and 3 , 1989 , which caused damage at the British Cultural Centre in Kizilay ; a group calling itself the Revolutionary Left claimed responsibility .
7 An anonymous caller to a newspaper claimed that a ( previously unknown ) Islamic fundamentalist group calling itself the Islamic Movement had killed Ucok because of her secularist and feminist stand against the current fundamentalist campaign for the veiling of women .
8 On June 23 a group calling itself the Islamic Liberation Front threatened to carry out terrorist attacks against the Kuwaiti government unless it cancelled the death sentences .
9 One of the most amusing was when a group calling itself the Renewable Energy Generating Board drove on to the proposed reactor site and installed a miniature array of ten-foot-high wind turbines .
10 Racist chanting is a no-no ( although I reserve the right to call anyone a black b*st*rd … etc , just I would call someone a fat b*st*rd or a long haired gippo b*st*rd ) .
11 SERVANT : My lady , a gentleman calling himself the noble Spaniard waits to see you .
12 On May 7th farmers , politicians and ex-generals who oppose majority rule met in Pretoria to launch a new alliance calling itself the Afrikaner Volksfront , or Afrikaner People 's Front .
13 General manager called it an important milestone and said : ‘ I believe it is a clear demonstration of our commitment to providing customers with high quality products and support services . ’
14 MapInfo Inc , Troy , New York , is shipping its MapBasic Development Environment for Unix calling it the first programming language for GUI systems allowing corporate developers to customise desktop mapping applications for a given industry or department .
15 The last time he came , they had a row and the father called him a bloody upstart .
16 Five years later , in 1833 , King William IV became Patron and gave the Society permission to call itself The Royal Perth Golfing Society .
17 Still , the two parties have moved towards the round-table talks that both want — although the government calls them a multi-party conference , whereas the ANC looks forward to an all-party congress , to be followed eventually by an elected constituent assembly .
18 That mister at hospital calls you a little lady .
19 Said treasurer called her the SILLIEST woman he knew …
20 The blame for syphilis was invariably ascribed to foreigners , with the result that the English called it the French disease , the French called it the Italian disease , the Italians , unable to make up their minds , called it both the French disease and the Spanish disease , while the Spanish called it the disease of Hispaniola ( Haiti ) .
21 Erm , my mother calls me the eternal student because I tell her that there 's absolutely no way I 'm gon na look for full time employment !
22 However , the authorities in Serbia on Jan. 13 banned an opposition party calling itself the Serbian National Renewal because of its overtly nationalist programme .
23 The adoption by the BCP congress of a moderate reformist manifesto did not dissuade members of a BCP faction calling itself the Alternative Socialist Organization ( ASO — the most radical of several pro-reform factions which had emerged in the party in January ) from carrying out a threat to split from the BCP and form a new social democratic party .
24 The blame for syphilis was invariably ascribed to foreigners , with the result that the English called it the French disease , the French called it the Italian disease , the Italians , unable to make up their minds , called it both the French disease and the Spanish disease , while the Spanish called it the disease of Hispaniola ( Haiti ) .
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