Example sentences of "[noun sg] mean that [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 However , unemployment and the recession mean that many firms can no longer afford the creches and bonuses , and are reluctantly having to curtail them .
2 New rules for pharmacy funding mean that any chemist 's shop which dispenses fewer than 2,000 prescriptions per month will lose grants and will face closure .
3 Lack of internal capital and entrepreneurial experience mean that rural people are often not able to take advantage of such opportunities .
4 In an extensive review arising from IGCP 61 Kidson ( 1982 ) has concluded that the search for a universal eustatic curve should be regarded as over ; that regional differences in changes in the geoid mean that eustatic sea level curves can have only regional validity ; and that no part of the earth 's crust can be regarded as wholly stable .
5 This in essence meant that one digit in a sequence ( usually 9 or Z ) was used solely for the purpose of continuing that sequence further if new editions needed to be made .
6 Kenya administrators also discovered the ‘ importance and usefulness of [ cattle ] sales as a meeting place for the transaction of official business ’ , but except in wartime , when the army needed meat , veterinary quarantines imposed in response to pressure from representatives of the European livestock industry meant that such sales were not a prominent feature of life in Kenya Masai District .
7 The increasing availability of liver transplantation during the course of the study meant that some individuals became eligible for this procedure .
8 Popular suffrage meant that rival factions would shout for their own candidate .
9 The result meant that both parties failed to capitalise on the widespread disaffection with the mainstream parties and in particular with the ruling Socialist Party ( PS ) which had been discovered in recent months to have been involved in a number of scandals .
10 It was a dismal , disorganized weekend and a waste of valuable opportunity ; everything was left to ‘ flow ’ , which in practice meant that many events did not even get off the ground .
11 The bass sounds good , although lack of internal screening means that unwanted noise is sometimes a problem — less so on the humbucking back pickup — and generally it copes with styles from driving rock to funky , thumb rattling sounds and smoother , jazzy tones .
12 Although there are half a million Methodists , there tend to be 50 speakers who dominate proceedings I am told , but the democratic ( half ministers — half members ) quota means that some circuits can elect seventeen-year-old girls to be their delegates to the conference .
13 ‘ Scientific thinking means that all things must be proved before they are .
14 There are three main methods of making such material traceable , but there is one general problem : wide dispersion and burial means that large amounts of material have to be used and that the traced percentage is low .
15 The deal means that 1,000 fax and 800 copier contracts for former Hill customers on Tyneside and Teesside will be transferred to the new owner .
16 Despite the UK using more pesticides than most , a slow and cumbersome system for pesticide review means that 30-year-old chemicals remain in use despite having been superseded by safer alternatives , Clark argues .
17 What had changed was the distribution of employment so that although Japanese farms are very tiny , the threefold decline in agricultural employment to about 10 per cent of the labour force means that non-agricultural sectors now provide the bulk of small-firm employment .
18 The way the funding mechanism works on the teaching side means that each student arriving in an institution brings with him or her less money than before .
19 Constantly running water through gravel means that any hardness will be leached into the water .
20 The placebo effect means that any treatment will improve a patient merely because he wants to recover and is responding to the clinician 's attempts to help rather than to a specific treatment .
21 Class consciousness means that false class consciousness has been replaced by a full awareness of the true situation , by a realization of the nature of exploitation .
22 Defaults in non-financial sector mean that financial institutions have to provision against loan losses .
23 Moreover , the weakness of the remanent magnetism contained within volcanic rocks together with various sources of error meant that large numbers of individual measurements had to be averaged in order to provide a reasonably precise estimate of past continental positions .
24 The rapid growth of the secondary banking sector meant that unsatisfied demand for credit from the primary banks could be met by the secondary banks ; this sector not being subject to the liquidity ratio requirements .
25 The mise-en-scène showed a sad confusion , too , between a coup de theéâtre and a mere coup de tête : over-emphatic projection meant that each piece was ejaculated with the abruptness — but neither the insouciance nor the demotic wit — of the slices in Morecambe and Wise 's justly celebrated performance , The Stripper .
26 It may be that growing wealth meant that more people came to have access to modern contraceptive techniques .
27 The transfer of ILEA responsibilities to the council meant that future decisions around integration and children would be mainly the brief of the new Education Committee .
28 Table 3 , below , shows that although the limited duration of the present Call-slip analysis exercise meant that fewer issues were monitored in 1981 than in earlier years , the proportion of all issues which were in foreign languages remained remarkably constant , at around 4% .
29 The programme of trials and different phasings for entry into local management meant that some schools were well to the fore and were able to demonstrate both the advantages and drawbacks of early thinking on the part of central and local government .
30 However , the expansion of the universe meant that this light should be so greatly red-shifted that it would appear to us now as microwave radiation .
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