Example sentences of "[noun sg] must [verb] with the " in BNC.

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1 Those cases only decided that the successor must live with the tenant in the whole of the premises .
2 Ultimately , this responsibility must rest with the electorate , but they do not always receive the information necessary to make judgements .
3 Third parties may provide technical advice but the responsibility must stay with the user .
4 You ca n't put the onus on guidebook descriptions , the final decision on whether or not to do the route must rest with the judgement and common sense of the individual on the spot .
5 They may do so in a non-Compact institution in which case responsibility for " cashing in " the Compact entitlement must rest with the student .
6 Yoshida also took the opportunity to say that while , of course , the decision must rest with the Allies , the Japanese felt that an early Peace Treaty was most desirable .
7 The decision must rest with the user .
8 Potency must start with the lower degrees ( LM 1–6 ? ) and proceed to the higher levels §246
9 The provision of batteries and responsibility for their condition must rest with the candidate .
10 The provision of batteries and responsibility for their condition must rest with the candidate .
11 Any discussion about the marketing mix must begin with the product .
12 Karplus believes some of the blame must lie with the mathematicians for failing to interpret what they are doing .
13 The blame must lie with the fertiliser manufacturers , who undoubtedly have done their best to encourage increased consumption by heavy advertising to farmers , and who in many cases also own farms themselves and supply seed of varieties specially bred to respond to high levels of nitrogen .
14 ‘ The kind of smell which makes sick people worse must interfere with the vigour and vitality of those who are well , but at all events it is sufficient to show that sick persons are injured thereby ’ , per Stephen , J. in the Malton Manure case .
15 If a healthy personality is to be formed the psychic image of the child must merge with the reality of what the child actually is .
16 The new contract between the customer or supplier and the purchaser must comply with the normal requirements for formation of a contract including intention and consideration .
17 The final selection of the investigation must rest with the student .
18 the factsheet can be lifted from the executive summary of the information memorandum ( or vice versa ) ; information in the overview must agree with the full memorandum
19 The Cairo conference , which met in November-December 1943 and was attended by Roosevelt , Churchill and Chiang Kai-shek , agreed that the Pacific War must conclude with the expulsion of Japan from all parts of the empire she had accumulated since 1895 .
20 Impetus given from or with any part of the body must coincide with the musical phrasing fur it indicates the performer is to make or is making an important statement .
21 To produce the blueshifted ( higher-frequency ) features with observed fluxes , another maser beam must interact with the main maser at an intersecting angle of nearly 180° ( ref. 21 ) .
22 We do not believe the guidance in MPG6 paragraph 71 that minerals applications should simply ‘ have regard to ’ the development plan reflects that contained in PPG12 ; namely that ‘ development must accord with the development plan unless material considerations dictate otherwise ’ .
23 We do not believe the guidance in MPG6 paragraph 71 that minerals applications should simply ‘ have regard to ’ the development plan reflects that contained in PPG12 ; namely that ‘ development must accord with the development plan unless material considerations dictate otherwise ’ .
24 She told protestors that the Health Service must move with the times and it was inevitable that some hospitals would close as the nation 's health needs changed .
25 But the borrower must cooperate with the lender , particularly by answering correspondence and making contact at the earliest possible moment .
26 Furthermore , in the field of crime connected with Community assets , the Court has made it clear as a matter of Community law both that Member States must use their criminal law if necessary to enforce Community laws and that the Commission must co-operate with the Member States ( e.g. by allowing its officials to give evidence ) when they are trying to enforce Community law .
27 The guest must sign the traveller 's cheque in front of the cashier and this signature must correspond with the one already on the cheque .
28 There are , first of all , historians who believe that the crucial variable must lie with the psychological characteristics of a comparatively small group of entrepreneurs , who instituted changes in the technology and organisation of industry : British entrepreneurs are held to have displayed a peculiar wit and resource in expanding and transforming production and distribution — a wit which is not itself subjected to scrutiny .
29 Any theory of an open shop trade union must deal with the following conceptual problem .
30 The piano accompaniment must grow with the item .
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