Example sentences of "[noun sg] work at [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 This approach does however force the wireframe modeller to work at a higher level of understanding than exists in most present systems .
2 Do remember to rub out your dots if a remedy works at a later date and only mark your bottle when the remedy has no effect if you are very certain that it should have worked .
3 A diplomat working at the military attaché 's office in Ankara , the Turkish capital , was seriously injured on Oct. 16 , 1989 , when a bomb exploded in his car .
4 The ad works at a subconscious level too .
5 The body of a young child works at the maximum rate , enabling the child to process far more information in a given time than an adult could .
6 To complete our user records , which the EC Directive also obliges us to keep and up-date , could you please , as Horticultural representative on the Computing Sub-Group , co-ordinate a response from AD , GD and HD as to the names of all operators who are estimated to spend at least one hour per day working at a multi-user PC as part of their normal duties ( I 've already got user names for single-user machines ) .
7 Good presentation : dress standards of a person working at the highest levels of large corporations .
8 The Israeli potash and bromine works at the southern end produce more than a million tonnes of these minerals a year .
9 A former executive officer with the civil service working at the National Engineering Laboratory , East Kilbride , she was now physically and mentally handicapped .
10 She paid him eight shillings — or 40p — a week to work at the 16-room house she had inherited .
11 About three weeks after I started looking , I came upon an advertisement for a receptionist to work at a local authority office building , not too far from my new home .
12 Ann became a Catholic as an adult and entered the book trade working at a Catholic bookshop in Exeter .
13 As a gastroenterologist working at a tertiary care centre , I am frequently asked to evaluate patients with faecal incontinence and defaecatory difficulties .
14 In addition such strategical decisions may be based on episodic memories for particular instances of driving the planned route , for example , the memory that you encountered road works at a particular junction recently and that it should thus be avoided until they have been completed .
15 In the city he is just another casual labourer working at the lowest level of urban employment .
16 The illustration of such a double logic working at a textual level often comes to seem remarkably close to a deconstructive analysis : in the same way as Derrida or de Man could be said to be deconstructing received readings that have institutional purchase , so the new historicists shift our understanding of institutionalized historical accounts .
17 At this time A. A. Griffith ( 1893–1963 ) was a young man working at the Royal Aircraft Establishment at Farnborough .
18 It has so far only managed to produce a sample P5 running at 40MHz — just two thirds of the 66MHz speed Intel intended — and can not get the thing to work at a faster rate .
19 Another doctor , Edward Spitzka , believed that an unwillingness to work at an appointed task was itself a symptom of masturbatory insanity .
20 But I mean it was a hell of a way to work at the same time .
21 If there are doubts about the search firm 's ability to work at a senior level , say to find a chief executive , the client may well invite two or three firms in to pitch competitively and see who has the best overall track record and appears most attractive and experienced to the Board .
22 Any movements of base level set the sea to work at a different level and the processes of subaerial erosion to grade to the new level .
23 They need perhaps ten times as much computational power as a 3D system to work at a similar speed .
24 Of course dad worked at the other pit , that was where he lived .
25 Dad worked at the local car factory .
26 The couple worked at the same tasks as their staff , they dressed in the same way , educated their children at the same schools and ate in the same canteen .
27 In 1971 Oleg Lyalin , a KGB officer working at the Russian trade mission in London , defected to MI6 and gave enough information about Russian espionage activities to justify the prime minister , Edward Heath , expelling an unprecedented 105 Russian diplomats from Britain .
28 whatever fosters the growth of culture works at the same time against war .
29 The writer works at the impossible task of creating a poem , a narrative , which tries to narrow the gap between the signal and what is signalled : tries to reverse the separation between the world and what we write about the world .
30 Margaret 's mother worked at the new Black Cat cigarette factory out in Harlow and her father still worked in Lyons bakery .
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