Example sentences of "[noun sg] look [adv] the same " in BNC.

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1 The bay to his left was labelled ‘ Fiction A-H ’ , and to his right was the cash desk looking much the same as it must have done on the day the shop was first opened .
2 The pine wood looked just the same as ever , it always did , it was always dark and dense with very narrow passages through it that would surely allow nothing bigger than a fox to weave its way through .
3 ‘ Anyway , the hut looked just the same ; things wear better than people , do n't they ? ’
4 A friend of mine once returned to her house after a few month 's absence and found that though the font of her desk looked exactly the same as before she left , termites had eaten out the back of it and destroyed the contents of several drawers .
5 Tenor clef looks exactly the same but middle C is now there .
6 The farm looked just the same .
7 Consequently , the structure looks exactly the same from each and every amino-acid residue .
8 On this day , her mother always took an interest in the weather and the direction of the wind , and almost every year would look out at the white-capped waves and mutter about how the wind and sea looked much the same as it had on the day she lost her Sam .
9 The beautiful house looked just the same , white and gleaming in the sunlight , and Jenna looked away quickly , knowing that she wanted to stay here with Alain and not go back to her empty life , her sterile plans for the future .
10 The street looked much the same — a cul-de-sac , with a brick wall at the far end , closing the road ; and above the wall , towering above the slate-roofed houses , a ship rode at anchor in the Jubilee Dock , its masts and funnels silhouetted against the sky .
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