Example sentences of "[noun sg] should [verb] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 No drain should pass under a building , but where this is unavoidable it must be specially protected by encasing in concrete and supported against settlement where it passes through a wall or foundation .
2 He devoted his life to politics for a twofold purpose : to ensure that the useless slaughter of the First World War was not repeated , and that the survivors of that horrific experience should live in a better world .
3 Its appeal is obvious when shown to anyone in the target age group of ages 3 to 6 , and this should be one of the first programs a young user should see on a PC .
4 But the department spokesman said the money should come from a community care grant to local authorities for the mentally ill .
5 In another sense , however , the research could be interpreted as pointing to the necessity to ensure that , once crossed , the threshold of removal should lead to a particular , compensatory form of care in recognition of the child 's maternal loss .
6 It was agreed that parliament should consist of a national assembly , which would be responsible for the preparation and adoption of principal pieces of legislation and which would control the budget , and a senate , which would represent the regions and would have the power to review , refer and delay legislation .
7 There is a longstanding belief , in many walks of life , that basic preparation should suffice for a lifetime of practice .
8 The judge said the long sentence should serve as a warning to others tempted to join the illegal trade in exotic birds .
9 The energy difference between the two terms is Δ , and so on this simple basis the electronic spectrum should consist of a single band whose energy gives Δ directly .
10 All students who have become temporary residents in Northern Ireland and have been accepted at the University should apply for a Medical Card through the University Health Centre .
11 They vividly recorded the perplexed reactions of evacuees , from one woman 's uneasy comment , ‘ there 's too much grass about ’ , to the London boy who was horrified that milk should come from a dirty cow and not a clean bottle .
12 Since an average-sized woman would be eating 2,000–2,300 calories a day to maintain her normal weight , the reduction should result in a loss of about 2lb a week .
13 He was appalled that such a story should appear in a newspaper , and the council , he said , would meet to determine what should be done about it .
14 If a test of causative potency is used then logically every case should end with a 50/50 apportionment , as each of the plaintiff 's and defendant 's conduct is a cause .
15 Lord Penrose said that the case should proceed to a full hearing of evidence on those points .
16 To extend the use of numeric pagers , each number can indicate a pre-determined action , for example that the employee should go to a certain area or undertake a particular task .
17 The Opposition should go to a number of towns where bypasses have been built , which have been warmly welcomed .
18 The resulting Palache Report , named after its chairman and published by the CFC in 1944 , articulated Balcon 's concern that the British cinema was becoming a ‘ channel for disseminating the ideas and aspirations , no matter how worthy in themselves , of one or two dominating personalities in this country , ’ and backed his view that the British industry should concentrate on a regular output of low-budget , authentically British films .
19 Tests carried out on the prototype car 208 , showed that the car should accelerate to a speed of 30.5 m.p.h. in 17 seconds , against 23 seconds for a bus .
20 The experience of the EC with member state aids to attract foreign direct investment should serve as a warning that EC rules are not always sufficient to prevent member states from taking unilateral steps to improve their national economies at the expense of others .
21 Article II laid down that if Queen Anne failed to leave an heir the succession should pass to a relatively distant claimant , ‘ the most excellent Princess Sophia , electress and duchess dowager of Hanover , and the heirs of her body being protestants ’ .
22 Rangers ' meeting with Marseille on 7 April in France will go a long way to deciding whether or not the Ibrox club should pencil in a Spring trip to Bavaria .
23 Rangers ' meeting with Marseille on 7 April in France will go a long way to deciding whether or not the Ibrox club should pencil in a Spring trip to Bavaria .
24 It therefore seems conceivable that susceptibility to both type I and type II diabetes is determined during gestation or infancy in response to nutrition , and research should respond with a new focus on early events .
25 ‘ If all the charities followed the Wolfson 's example , medical research should come to a standstill . ’
26 Only about 12 per cent of companies might be termed ‘ high-tech ’ , although this figure should rise as a higher proportion of post-designation companies fall into this classification .
27 Perhaps the hon. Lady should go for a tutorial with him to understand how VAT is collected .
28 The hive-up should occur on a no gain/no loss basis for capital gains tax purposes under s171 TCGA 1992 , since Target will usually be both a " 75% subsidiary " and an " effective 51% subsidiary " of Newco , within s170 .
29 Where the case is to be tried by a jury in the crown court , the judge should decide at a pre-trial hearing whether to admit the video as evidence .
30 There is ample room in that account of the situation for the further stipulation that the judge should decide in a way that engages his own political or moral convictions as little as possible and gives as much deference as possible to institutions conventionally authorized to make law .
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