Example sentences of "[noun sg] down [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Many aspects of the diplomatic organisation of western and central Europe as it existed by the beginning of the seventeenth century continued with little essential change down to the French Revolution and indeed beyond .
2 A BP oil tanker was blocking the narrow lane down to the Old Forge , towering over the thatched cottage to which it was attached by its pipe-line as though with an umbilical cord .
3 Michelle has been paralysed from the chest down for the past 11 years — the result , she claims , of a routine jaw operation she underwent at Poole General Hospital in November 1982 .
4 His relief at not having been made a fool of was matched by his curiosity to find out who the devil he was , this man Iying chest down on the wet flagstones , face turned to one side as though asleep .
5 Britons were at last letting their hair down after the grey years following the Second World War .
6 Before returning , a look down into the tremendous ravine of Ling Gill below the bridge will reveal a most impressive scene , the beck hurrying along a bouldery bed fringed by trees and cliffs on its way to join the Ribble ; several minor caves have been found and explored along its banks but the rough terrain is a deterrent to walkers who prefer to travel sedately .
7 But this does not go far enough for us and er shortly we will be moving another amendment which will take the council 's budget down to the standard spending assessment and I will speak to that er when I come to move that amendment .
8 Barney gave in to her pleas , and agreed to transport the canoe down to the Little Avon river on the roof-rack of the Armstrong after lunch .
9 And he actually took her arm , quite simply and confidently , and rushed her on the wings of his enthusiasm down through the green complexities of the bowl , between the crisp , serrated walls , across the fragments of tiled pavement , past the forum pillars , down to where the emerald turf sloped off under a token wire barrier to the riverside path and the waters of the Comer .
10 Here is one of those places , then , where the frontier does not follow the ridge of the mountains , but takes a sudden dive down on the French side .
11 I also pointed out the difficulty of bringing a peer down from the Upper House-not only the short-term difficulty of the delay but also the psychological impact on the country .
12 From evidence such as this we can build up a picture of a society in which child mortality was common ; in which many of the children who survived their first year none the less died before they were twenty , as was still the case down to the early nineteenth century ; in which a serious famine or an outbreak of disease might rapidly depopulate a whole region — and yet in which the expectation of life of those who passed twenty was probably not sensationally lower than it is today .
13 Well here 's one man who is very definitely erm upside down about the whole thing , if I can just er tip him over a little bit there , could you , no I 'll try that one again will I
14 Indeed , I sat there in the muggy warmth until the balding , bull-necked scruff of a proprietor or manager started to put the chairs upside down on the swabbed tables — a peculiar custom which is surely unhygienic enough to be banned by law .
15 All they could do now was to turn Moat Hall upside down in the forlorn hope something remained in the near-derelict place to hint at its erstwhile owner 's present refuge .
16 The irritating thing is , he could not be bothered to put the sandwich down during the whole scene , and when she surfaced , she found his lip dripping with tomato seeds .
17 The Deputy Under Secretary rubbed his nose , watched a flake of skin pirouette down to the opened pages of the file .
18 He waited until they were lost to sight beyond a fold of ground and a belt of trees , and then made good speed down to the little river , splashed through it where the banks were level and firm , and climbed the slope on the other side .
19 There could be no quicker way than this to appreciate how different things are climatically on the two sides of the mountains , because not only do you exchange cold cloud for sunshine but also the lush greenery of the high valleys to the north for the grass less , stony and , in summer , almost waterless river valley which leads on the Spanish side down to the small town of Bielsa ( a little trippery , inevitably , but a place of some character ) .
20 After a few attempts , which often result in catching the ball off the toe , the player begins to feel how necessary it is to turn away fully in the backswing and to bring the club down on the correct path .
21 Sergeant Morrison put his mug of tea down on the greasy bar and turned .
22 A glance at the map revealed that there was a short cut down to the Miletti villa , so instead of summoning Palottino he decided to walk .
23 Sales , 11 p.c. down at the interim stage , finished the year only 5 p.c. lower at I£292m .
24 Other documents to which Shaughnessy was given access included a series of DIA Defense Intelligence Terrorism Summaries ( DITSUMs ) issued in the second half of 1988 warning against renewed threats of attack on US interests , particularly as a consequence of the shooting down of the Iranian Airbus in July .
25 On the morrow of Marshal Ogarkov 's removal as Chief of the General Staff , Western press comment included speculation that his policy stance had come to obstruct the reassessment of arms control and East-West policy sought by the leadership ; according to one respected newspaper , senior Western military attachés in Moscow were tipped by Soviet army officers that the Kremlin blamed Ogarkov for the disasters of the SS-20 deployment and the shooting down of the Korean airliner off Sakhalin Island .
26 Well , there was talk about er getting the old hall down in the old street community centre , not the , the
27 But the fact that the legislature refrained from creating a jurisdiction to make orders against a third party under section 6(3) and ( 4 ) does not justify a cutting down of the ordinary meaning of section 6(2) .
28 A couple have won more than a million pounds on the pools — and are putting the jackpot down to the lucky pixie mascot they used to pick the numbers .
29 Nevertheless he seemed willing enough to accompany the Finnish detective in the dangerous climb down over the tumbling rocks to where his cousin and his cousin 's pretty , peroxided fiancée lay .
30 By the time I find a room it 's too late to do anything except go out on to the balcony and gaze down at the still-warm street , the signs .
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