Example sentences of "[noun sg] give [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In 1921 the Society of Chemical Industry instituted the Messel medal , its senior award given every second year .
2 As Mayberry ( 1978 : 33 ) points out : Today it is common practice to begin papers by setting the record straight , so to speak , sometimes with what strikes the reader as being an unusually strong position regarding inter-sign language comprehension given the current state of knowledge . ’
3 The support given the previous day to German neo-Nazis in two regional elections there was the starting point for his attack on PR ; a first-past-the-post system and stringent policies on asylum and immigration were preventing an extreme-right emergence in Britain , so he argued .
4 Cigarettes , they argue , are a special case given the huge price gap between full-priced brands at over $1 a packet and discount smokes that cost as little as 69 cents .
5 The supreme court also confirmed a 20-year prison term given a third defendant , accomplice Yasuhiro Uegaki .
6 Until these underlying images of individual and society are recognized , and their study given the explicit attention it deserves , the significance of geographical knowledge for social practice will not be realized , nor the constraints it currently imposes overcome .
7 Flows may well be exogenous as they are likely to be known with a reasonable degree of uncertainty given the contractual nature of many savings policies .
8 He could see Prussian soldiers running away in the undergrowth and he felt the fierce exultation of a cavalryman given a helpless enemy to slaughter , but he did not see the batter of guns concealed in the deep shadows at the edge of the wood , nor the Prussian artillery officer who shouted , ‘ Fire ! ’
9 This anomaly could , however , be remedied if the courts were to embrace novel theories of what constitutes loss given the novel essence of insider dealing .
10 I said , and felt my blood give a sick lurch .
11 The growth of self-help credit unions , much helped by the Credit Unions Act 1979 , may in future give a lower-cost credit option to many more of the weekly-paid , especially as they allow personal weekly payments of instalments .
12 The data examined in this study give a consistent picture of behaviour changes among homosexual men which have led to a continuance of HIV transmission in this group in England and Wales .
13 If 50% or more of total overseas operations relates to one continent give a further analysis of turnover and profit before tax by country .
14 Camping on the floor of the Ngorongoro crater is much more exciting : there are all sorts of beasties roaming within its walls and the noises of the bush around the campfire give a true sense of the wild .
15 Hot flushes are caused by the capillaries suddenly filling with blood to give a sudden rush to the face , neck and shoulders , with extra body heat and perspiration .
16 More importantly , the existing upper floor of this outshot proved to be too close to the lean-to roof to give a habitable room-height , so rather than raise up the roof level of the entire extension , it was decided to reduce the level of the upper floor to create adequate headroom .
17 Wall-to-wall carpeting , luggage racks running lengthways above the windows , supplemented by space for cases and bags between the seats , provide an uncluttered spaciousness to give a relaxed atmosphere on the longest of journeys .
18 Provided the series converges , this may be solved for ε in any suitable way ; often a regression procedure , beginning with ε = 0 on the right-hand side to give a new approximation on the left , will solve the equation in two or three steps .
19 Carve both from the top in a boat shape , and from the side to give the round hull .
20 1977 , however , brought a big failure with ‘ Jazz ’ , an attempt to give a contemporary slant to old jazz tunes .
21 The Milky Way , presumably a translation of Ludwig Kuhn 's earlier German text of 1978 , is an attempt to give an up-to-date view of the Galaxy and to compare it with other galaxies .
22 A trick used in FAI contests is to use the ‘ idle up ’ switch to give a high blade RPM as the throttle is closed .
23 Receiving a copy of the AGM Minutes from the Branch prompts Air Mail to give a little space to describe the activities and efforts being made by the Branch Committee , a committee which has been virtually unchanged since the Branch was re-activated six years ago .
24 Ministers won a vote to give a private company , Scallop Kings , exclusive rights to farm shellfish over an area of seabed along the shore south- west of Fort William .
25 What is it that links the baseball players , boxers and other athletes , drawn with hyper-realist attention to detail , that people the canvases of Jessica Gandolf ; a combination of sexual imagery and social tension that characterises the work of John Carey ; strident colours and hand-written captions that tell of love and men in the paintings of Irène Hardwicke ; the domestic interiors and nature studies for which Katherine Spitzhoff uses egg-based tempera to give a high-gloss finish ; the pictures of John Spinks , a professor of linguistics , that incorporate printed paper , old book bindings and letters from his father ?
26 He held it up to the light to give a clearer view .
27 A second attractive Beckmann , ‘ Blick auf das Meer ’ from a private collection in Switzerland was withdrawn from the auction to give the former owner , the Wallraf-Richartz Museum of Cologne the opportunity to buy it back .
28 Billingsley and Chance ( 1988 ) used the no-arbitrage condition for an individual future to give a no-arbitrage condition for an intracommodity spread by differencing the no-arbitrage conditions for the constituent futures contracts .
29 Add one to this figure to give the total number of spaces , bearing in mind that one extra space will be needed to balance the heading at the sides .
30 It should be noted here that the recognition output such as ‘ \ ’ and ‘ - ’ are strokes of the pen which the recogniser has been unable to join to any other stroke to give a possible letter .
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