Example sentences of "[noun sg] see [pron] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 He was too deeply into the part to see anything outside the stage .
2 It may take several releases and many months before the company starts to see a return on its investments , so it is essential for an indie to have a relatively solid financial base to see it through the difficult early stages and to sustain the levels of promotion until an act on the label breaks .
3 I have today won a concession from the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry , in as much as he is going to give a delegation from the Southampton and district licensed victuallers an opportunity to see him at the Department to talk over some of these matters .
4 Immediately beyond the church and school the road has a less steep section , and soon passes a small cheese dairy where , depending on circumstances of the season , there may be an opportunity to see something of the work that is typical of this type of country .
5 It seems a shame to waste the opportunity to see something of the country . ’
6 Erm so in in broad terms the master plan is is unchanged in concept but we think improved in detail the is the other thing at each end erm represents on the left hand side er , what is currently Honey Hill I believe the name may be changed in due course erm and those behind me here are the houses on the Fern Hill side and then , although some of you will have difficulty seeing it at the moment , at the bottom there are detailed drawings showing the internal arrangement of the houses and flats and , and detailed drawings of the elevations with dimensions , so one can have a have a bit of a feel for the the sort of space standards that we 've aimed at , but there are in fact , furniture plans shown on the drawings .
7 This chapter is an account of the process and is an attempt to see it from the family 's perspective .
8 I was on my way to Glen Nevis with enough gear to see me through the night .
9 ‘ So your mummy saw me with the boys , did she ?
10 But a witness saw him outside the premises .
11 This provided the opportunity for the members of the committee to see something of the rural development problems and programmes in Lewis and Harris , and discuss them with some of those working on them .
12 It seemed that all the intelligence had gone to Constance , leaving her brothers with only wariness and guile to see them through the vicissitudes of life , although , Scarlet had to admit , they could be surprisingly kind .
13 And even if the driver sees something on the line ahead of him , he usually can not stop in time .
14 He was much respected for his knowledge of golf courses , but was a throwback to the days when caddies wore old macs or tweed overcoats , slept rough in the summer , and in October committed a misdemeanour mild enough to ensure six months in jail to see them through the winter and send them out sobered up and refreshed for the new golf season .
15 ( Do you concentrate on a large or small area of the brain ; if the latter , which one , if the site of the clock has not been established beyond all doubt ? ) ( a ) Do you follow one person only throughout your observation time(s) or choose , instead , a single place to see which of the family , if any , are there ? ( b ) If you choose to observe a single place , then do you study a place that is large or small , say , the front garden , a single- room , or the exit at the end of the drive ? ( c ) If it is a single room , which one ?
16 HW = Husband sees it as the wife 's decision HJ = Husband sees it as a joint decision HH = Husband sees it as the husband 's decision WW = Wife sees it as the wife 's decision WJ = Wife sees it as a joint decision WH = Wife sees it as the husband 's decision .
17 HW = Husband sees it as the wife 's decision HJ = Husband sees it as a joint decision HH = Husband sees it as the husband 's decision WW = Wife sees it as the wife 's decision WJ = Wife sees it as a joint decision WH = Wife sees it as the husband 's decision .
18 Friday evening saw me at the National Gallery with her boyfriend and , quite literally , hundreds of other people , to the opening of the annual exhibition , sponsored this year by BP , of the Scottish Artists and Craftsmen .
19 They 've turned down several lucrative offers to reform in the past , but feel that now is the time for fans outside London to get a chance to see them in the flesh . ’
20 In fact , a musical dedicated to Elvis is on tour , giving two fans the chance to see it for the FORTIETH time .
21 We get our chance to see it in the Ulster Hall on Wednesday 14th April .
22 HW = Husband sees it as the wife 's decision HJ = Husband sees it as a joint decision HH = Husband sees it as the husband 's decision WW = Wife sees it as the wife 's decision WJ = Wife sees it as a joint decision WH = Wife sees it as the husband 's decision .
23 HW = Husband sees it as the wife 's decision HJ = Husband sees it as a joint decision HH = Husband sees it as the husband 's decision WW = Wife sees it as the wife 's decision WJ = Wife sees it as a joint decision WH = Wife sees it as the husband 's decision .
24 ‘ It will please the Colonel to see them at the breakfast-table in the morning , ’ I-said .
25 Her parents travelled home in the first week of October leaving her with fields enriched by the presence of a few dozen sheep and enough advice to see her through the cow 's first calving and the sow 's first litter .
26 Could I make an appointment to see her at the Education Office to sort out the dinner money debts once and for all — hopefully .
27 ‘ She also said that my father sees you as the son he never had . ’
28 The official history of the movement sees it as the outgrowth of ‘ homes and refuges for the destitute and institutes opened in the evenings with a mainly educational purpose in view ’ .
29 Sunday morning sees us on the way to one of the prettiest corners of the state of Vermont to visit top breeder 's herd VT Pond View .
30 A rather different view of endogenous technical advance sees it as the product of experience or ‘ learning by doing ’ ( Arrow , 1962 ) .
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