Example sentences of "[noun sg] make for [art] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The guitar 's low profile , slight body and super-thin neck make for a very lightweight playing experience and I could n't detect any balance problems , either .
2 Pierre Le Rue may not have mega sales or an exceptionally large following behind him , but the combination of the band 's musical ability and his stage presence made for a very enjoyable evening .
3 It has been suggested that the starkness of early Wesleyan theology made for a rather close match , with local preachers assuming something of the role of conjurer .
4 The mixing of aircraft development and behind the scenes political chicanery makes for a very interesting and revealing read .
5 The process made for a much slower reduction in unemployment than elsewhere in the Yorkshire , Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire Coalfields , and there were fears of the industry being cut to 35,000–40,000 men , with the possible ending of mining in Scotland , Wales and the North East .
6 Third , additional education makes for a more rational labour market by improving information and choice of occupation .
7 The stretch of river below Barden Bridge makes for a particularly rewarding walk .
8 It is essential to provide places where the more sensitive species of marine fish can retire and a few pieces of rock to simulate their natural reef environment makes for a much more natural and stress-free environment .
9 But to see the delight on the players ' faces on their return to the headquarters marquee after each day 's match for a glass or two of DB export and sumptuous food made for a highly successful occasion .
10 The problem for the unassisted plaintiff is that the expert 's fee and the cost of any application makes for a very expensive gamble on liability .
11 That said , the drifting of Morrissey 's voice over an unlikely background makes for the most effective twin attack since Yazoo .
12 Small numbers combined with attractive hospitality make for a highly sympathetic approach and partners are encouraged to attend together .
13 ‘ The Australian system makes for a much stronger betting market on course and the vast increase in revenue gives owners , big and small , a greater incentive . ’
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