Example sentences of "[noun sg] get [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The recession got in the way .
2 But two minutes into injury time their defence got into a tangle after a Logrones throw and let the ball run through to Agustin Abadia , who thumped in his second goal of the day to level the scores .
3 Yeah probably I think she 'll always be like it though , cos her mum 's just the same , she 's just like her mum , you know her mum got in a strop every day because she could n't go round , down the
4 Somehow the chemical got from a storage tank into water supplies .
5 Then with about 7 minutes to go , Goodmans speed got through the defence again and Beeny could only parry his low shot for Gray ( there was about 5 of them on the pitch ) to tap in .
6 But a skin biopsy got to the root of the problem and diagnosed that he 's suffering from mites , an allergic reaction to the mites and a fungal growth .
7 Something fell in greenhouse and broke the pane to allow the wind to get into the greenhouse , which is oh dear me , as soon as the wind got into the greenhouse as I say blowing the other panes out
8 His stepdad got into the van and drove off , gravel spitting from under the wheels .
9 A rather curious look from Prince Philip wondering , no doubt , how this lowly two-ringer got into the act .
10 When Lou got in the car , the bulky jacket that she wore over her washed denim skirt got in the way of her seat belt and her movements as she struggled to fasten the buckle were jerky and nervous .
11 They make oral sex safer because if placed over the vulva , they prevent HIV transmission through infected vaginal juices or menstrual blood getting into a partner 's mouth — particularly if your partner has bleeding gums , mouth ulcers or cuts .
12 ‘ We 're in the middle of an investigation and , quite frankly , we do n't want anyone from Central HQ getting in the way . ’
13 Tell class members that any one newly joining in the autumn term gets to the end of the year and the following calendar year for one year 's subscription .
14 As the arteries become narrower with advancing atherosclerosis , people may notice tight cramping pain when insufficient oxygen-rich blood gets to the heart muscle ( angina ) or leg muscles ( intermittent claudication ) .
15 In the reptilian heart most of the blood gets round the body on the first circuit , but with the four-chambered heart — in mammals , birds and ( imperfectly ) in crocodiles — the blood from the two circuits is not mixed at all .
16 The most serious swings and cart-wheels usually occur when the wind gets under the wing-tip so that the down wind tip scrapes along the ground .
17 How radon gets into a house
18 Of course , i er sometimes people phone up the Fire Brigade and the Fire Brigade get to the fire
19 Do n't let organisational oversight get in the way of the work .
20 ‘ You need an identity card to get into the factory every morning .
21 News At Ten was the first news programme to get in the ratings Top Ten , the first to employ two newsreaders ( Alistair Burnett and Andrew Gardner on the first edition ) , and the first to make use of foreign reports and the catchphrase ‘ Brent Sadler , News At Ten , Dagenham ’ .
22 ‘ And any dog worth his salt would bite open a handbag to get to the chocolate ? ’
23 The fire was discovered at 3 a.m. by a master working late , and together with two boys — one of whom climbed a waterspout to get to the juniors ' bedroom via the roof and the other operated a hand-pump in dense smoke — managed to raise the alarm .
24 However two of the possee went over the fence in an attempt to get to a nightclub in Bristol .
25 The sergeant continued : ‘ But then Mr Hamilton found the valuable guns missing from Taigh na Tuir , and he reported that , with the story of your attempt to get into the house last Wednesday night .
26 I can only assume that the crew of this barge were new to boating as their attempt to get by the bridge was reminiscent of ’ Game for a Laugh ’ .
27 As well as being asked how often they commit illegal acts , respondents are generally asked details of their social characteristics , social class , race and so on , in an attempt to get round the biases in official criminal statistics .
28 The thieves removed part of the roof to get into the building , and made off with sixteen handguns .
29 But all too often , they do n't have to use force to get into a house because a door or window has been left open .
30 It is believed that the UDA could now change its name in a bid to get round the law .
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