Example sentences of "[noun sg] go up [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 She begs her sister to go up to the top of the tower of the castle and look out for them , and keeps calling out to her , ‘ Anne , sister Anne , dost thou see nothing coming ? ’
2 ‘ Do I have your permission to go up to the belvedere and look around ? ’
3 Blood-sugar level goes up on the digestion of food .
4 Perhaps yeah I think you must have been airborne at that stage to be er , had such a enormous flame going up into the balloon .
5 Current members of the Club go up for the weekend to climb ( this year it was too cold — even the lakes were frozen ) and after dinner retire to doss on whatever floor may be found .
6 The horse went up to the manger and stood there .
7 THE flag goes up on the 1993 Eastern Centre Motorcycle Grass Track racing season on Sunday at Brazils Farm , Woodham Ferrers , near Chelmsford .
8 A shout of laughter goes up from the room .
9 Howls of laughter went up from the other boys .
10 If she had thought of it , she would have looked before : she had registered the reporter and photographer going up to the flat above , and had said to herself that they did n't , very obviously , have the class of the young men from the London Sundays .
11 By the time she had got her cases up to the guest room , made the bed up and sorted out her food supplies it was beginning to get dark and , although she had a burning desire to go up to the studio , caution prevailed .
12 This time the ascension does not bring down the curtain on the life of Jesus ; instead , the curtain goes up on the life of the Church .
13 But I have seen a coke stove , cast iron coke stove on a chimney going up to the ceiling in the dark absolutely glowing bright , bright , red .
14 In fact , they were so bad in the one matinee performance in which they were tried out , that the original speeches were reinstated by the time the curtain went up at the Globe Theatre that evening .
15 The curtain went up on the second act to reveal the face from this image lying on the ground where it was walked over and trampled on by the cast .
16 Suddenly a cry went up along the line .
17 Stairs on the right went up to the sixteen guest rooms .
18 Would the curtain go up on the world 's greatest surfing spectacle before I had to leave — or would it all go ahead without me ?
19 Back in Cardiff , my name went up on the Honours Board and my father , in the last year before his retirement , quietly enjoyed the thought that I was to spend at least part of my life in the county in which his father had been born .
20 They rested on elbows , or lay stretched like Stars , stomachs in sand , smooth heads together , a brown hand lifting a white cigarette to a rose-painted mouth , and a line of malachite green smoke going up into the air , which was not here the intense cobalt of the plain of Orange , but pearl-cream-gold , a heavy air , soft and undulating like the pale sand and beyond it the warm , hazed , sand-green sea .
21 A buzz of wordless terror went up from the men around him as they craned over his shoulder to look .
22 A hell of a roar went up in the canteen at lunch break when one of the shop stewards said that Clasper would go on fighting on behalf of the workers until every bloody one of them had lost their jobs .
23 A roar went up from the customers , some of them calling out : ‘ Hooray for Ernie ! ’ and others yelling : ‘ Down with the Bolshies ! ’
24 A roar went up from the crowd .
25 A great cheer went up from the crowd as Otley approached daubed with my blue eye shadow and making threatening gestures in the direction of the enemy .
26 As the Flamingo herself cast off and manoeuvred into position to sail down the broad river , a wild cheer went up from the emigrants on deck .
27 When word of the Everqueen 's presence was known , a great cheer went up from the army , and all the warriors gained new heart .
28 A cheer went up from the worshippers , who donned masks of animal heads .
29 An undisciplined cheer went up from the crew members who had been watching the fight .
30 A cheer went up from the nomes .
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