Example sentences of "[noun sg] go so [adv] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 The story goes so far as to suggest that Hewlett-Packard threatened to resign from OSF over the pace of development but changed its mind .
2 If the trial goes so badly that the plaintiff wants to take the money out during it he must , as was decided in Gaskins v British Aluminium Co Ltd [ 1976 ] QB 524 , make an application to do so , and he must have the defendant 's consent even to make the application .
3 One journalist went so far as to assert , ‘ Carter should have little trouble with Congress ’ , while Professor Ross Baker noted that ‘ the basic elements are in place for a highly satisfactory relationship between Carter and Congress … there is no reason to forecast discord between the White House and Capitol Hill .
4 In fact , the Conducator went so far as to command the peasants to ‘ maintain the customs and dress of our great-great fore-bears , so that they shall always be in our memory .
5 In fact , the Committee goes so far as to assert that business and industry have no distinctive educational needs , and is thereby able to collapse point 2 in its terms of reference ( " the needs of business , the professions and the public services " ) into point 1 ( " the requirements of a liberal education " ) .
6 Desmond Heap , in his 1955 presidential address to the ( then ) Town Planning Institute went so far as to declare that the preservation of Green belts was ‘ the very raison d'etre of town and country planning ’ .
7 The following day the dress rehearsal went so smoothly that after giving out his notes — the pause at the end of the third act , before Olwyn opened the cigarette box for the second time , was a whisker too long , and her response to Robert 's line to the effect that she 'd fabricated the person she loved a touch too quick — ; Meredith declared enough was enough .
8 The Lewisham Council went so far as to apply to the High Court for an Order of Mandamus requiring the Commissioner of Police to seek to have the march banned .
9 Where the husband goes so far as to cause injury , there are available a number of offences against the person with which he may be charged , but the gravamen of the husband 's conduct is the injury he has caused not the sexual intercourse he has forced . ’
10 Indeed , so fundamental to the outlook of Jacobean Protestants was this identification of the pope with Antichrist that one contemporary went so far as to define a Protestant as one who ‘ can swear the Pope is antichrist and that flesh is good on Friday ’ .
11 Again perceptions of the value of these interviews differed , but one teacher went so far as to say that if it needed an appraisal to bring these advisers into the school then it was worth it .
12 Members of the radical Inter-regional group went so far as to table a motion of no confidence in the government , but a vote on whether to consider this motion was heavily defeated on May 29 .
13 Perceived as ‘ weak ’ and ‘ lonely ’ , one respondent went so far as to condemn raisins as ‘ embarrassing to be seen with in public ’ !
14 Nonetheless , the limits of the state 's autonomy would seem to be very wide , and Block goes so far as to postulate a ‘ tipping mechanism ’ which could allow the state to take a social formation away from the capitalist mode of production .
15 One writer went so far as to say that this construction ‘ flies in the face of the settled interpretation of this provision . ’
16 No other state went so far as this ; but then none needed to , for none started from the same position of isolation and estrangement from the outside world .
17 Glass goes so far as to describe her as ‘ a monster ’ though it is clear she had his complete respect .
18 As Carol Dyhouse has pointed out , in concentrating their attention on mothercraft , medical experts tended to devalue women 's knowledge regarding infant care , one doctor going so far as to label grandmothers as ‘ infanticide experts ’ .
19 Leaving no stone unturned for its Destiny launch , the telephone company offshoot went so far as to score still another first , announcing SVR4.2 simultaneously in Europe , the Far East , the US and Russia , reportedly at a Unix user group meeting , facilitated by the famed Esther Dyson .
20 TODAY has been told the letter went so far as to claim she had betrayed her husband , her sons and , above all , the Queen .
21 the Victoria County History goes so far as to suggest that the early nineteenth century prosperity of Leicester , based partly on the transport of hosiery goods by canal to London was ‘ probably due in no small degree to the fact that from 1802 onwards the development of communication had largely been completed . ’
22 Although parts of Sun , such as Sun Federal , have reportedly been flirting with IXI , Sun headquarters has clearly labelled the firm a competitor going so far as to put a last-minute kibosh on a real estate deal that would have moved IXI headquarters in Cambridge , England into Sun UK 's offices as a tenant .
23 The couple went so far as to have Chris Nixon , one of the best unit publicists in the business , fired .
24 The publisher Moxon went so far as to put out an edition of the Shelley forgeries , with an introduction by Robert Browning .
25 The party 's phone-in went so well that it will be repeated on the next three Wednesday evenings right up to the eve of the poll .
26 Part of the three-year letter of intent went so far as to say — this is quite astonishing that for an initial period , which as far as I can recollect was never defined , British Rail should subsidise bus services because buses were being substituted for trains .
27 In fact time went so quickly that Shelley was surprised when the crowded room fell silent , and the sound of the church clock in the square drifted through the little café .
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