Example sentences of "[noun sg] come [adv] at [adj] " in BNC.

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1 For a drainage level to come in at this depth would have required some 600 ft. of tunnelling and of course , since the art of blasting was not yet introduced , it would have been a protracted and costly operation .
2 The price-earnings ratio for the larger software companies was 24.7 against just 15.1 for smaller companies , while total market capitalisation to turnover came in at 1.24 for large and 1.11 for small companies .
3 The top-placed battery car came in at eighth place .
4 They looked at each other and laughed as they went for the top A and each found that no noise came out at all .
5 Also available from Bisque is the battery-powered , remote-control Bagno-Stat , which allows you to pre-set the towel radiator heater to come on at specific times and maintain required temperatures .
6 He leaned over to catch his father 's sleeve and hissed , ‘ No feckin' need to come back at all ! ’
7 It might not be in strain-on-your-meat-pies Trideocolor or go on all night like America 's bloody buggering 119 channels , but at least some nice bint like his old French teacher came on at ten-thirty and said good night as you drank your bloody buggering Ovaltine and waited for the shipping forecast .
8 It may be noted that the outturn figure for the growth of M3 in 1980–81 was in fact 20.1 per cent and the corresponding figure for the PSBR as a percentage of GDP came out at 5.75 per cent .
9 I used to cry till my husband came home at five o'clock .
10 India , for example , when measured in terms of the proportion of students in higher education per 10,000 of the population comes out at 58.4 in 1982 , compared to only 11.4 in China ( Cleverley 1986 : 245 ) .
11 It said in the E , the Echo I read in the Echo it 's er , Friday 's Echo that the first band comes on at four
12 I do n't think anyone would argue though , that the true stars of the event came on at mid bill , at 6.30pm .
13 Other performance results are more difficult to quantify , but a basic uncached 25MHz 486SX PC turned in Power Test results of around 7,000 to 7,500 , while the uncached Greenfield 33MHz machine I looked at this month came in at 8,619 .
14 Nan came in at that moment .
15 Every window was black with paint and there was no air coming in at all and you walk in between very very hot ovens and the sweat was lashing down your back .
16 They do n't want a completely unknown counsellor to come in at this time .
17 Well sometimes if I 'm doing er say a sixty year old , to sixty five , he 's got his state pension to come in at sixty five , so even if the P E P has n't quite recovered , he might just decide to leave that where it is , and then his state pension comes in , his income is then made up , and off we go again .
18 And everybody sa shouting out , plane come down at six o'clock .
19 A braindamaged man who lives with his mother near the top of the tenement comes in at eleven o'clock , after sweeping out Seventh Street Pizza .
20 it is , I said I 've given you a lot of time in the holidays and what have you come in and now you 're making a big song and dance about an hour and she said oh I 'm sorry I did n't mean to speak to you like that , but she did , she was just plain rude and really quite nasty , eh she should of yeah , and she should of told me that I was n't , becomes taking a lunch break and then she said well you could of taken half an hour , I said you did n't tell me well I said to her Matt rung up this morning and said to you , surveyor 's coming up to , at four o'clock , he wants both of us to be there so we know which way the windows will be and all the rest of it , just bear in mind , now I said to her I know it 's short notice but can I please go at four o'clock , she said yeah it is short notice but yeah no problem come in at eight o'clock tomorrow morning as a joke and then she totally changed her attitude when she came back from her thing mm yeah oh yeah that was nice of her well I said to her , I said to her oh I said to her look she would take
21 I did this and the actual conductivity reading come out at one thousand .
22 erm We had to look for some lower riders and erm Tony Primmer of course comes in at four , which helps us immensely .
23 To quote Bernard Pares , a founding father of the study of the revolution in Britain , writing in 1939 , ‘ The cause of the [ tsarist ] ruin came not at all from below , but from above .
24 Then the words rebounded back to my ears and I heard their sound and their meaning , and the pain came back at that moment , too , and it all made sense , the way a policeman 's knock on the door must make sense when you 've committed a crime .
25 Skills such as note-taking come in at this stage , and one way of approaching this is to use the questions originally formulated as a structure for notes taken , so that children are noting down things they need to know , rather than every conceivably useful point .
26 Erm it 's a simple flow system , raw material comes in at one end and flows through the plant , through the machining areas , through the assembly , and the new product , the finished product comes out the end .
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