Example sentences of "[noun sg] could [verb] [adv prt] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Interviews were tape-recorded so that a trained rater could play back the tape and rate the relatives on : critical comments , hostility , overinvolvement , warmth and positive remarks .
2 The murals of Diego Rivera for the Secretariat of Public Education in Mexico City are admitted by the critic Antonio Rodriguez not to be all of an equally high standard , ‘ but what poet could keep up the same lyrical flow for a thousand verses ?
3 A spokesman for Bond Corporation admitted the action could wipe out the entire group .
4 If there are , this little piece could open up a whole new concept .
5 He could see that the flap of cloth gaped open , but in the dark could make out no more than the vague shape of her legs , her stomach .
6 A Youngman protégé could take over the old boy 's lecturing responsibilities and everything would fit together rather nicely .
7 We 're sure that machine knitters will think of other uses — perhaps those who can use a sewing machine could run up a fabric tool and accessory holder which could be suspended off the side of the knitting table !
8 A parallel computer is described in Section 1.8.3 , and it is easy to appreciate how the use of such a machine could speed up an important operation on digital remotely-sensed images .
9 After much negotiation , the Welsh Wool Marketing Board agreed to a special arrangement whereby the Cambrian Mill could make up the Ashley 's own wool into cloth as long as this was not sold , but used only for demonstration models and pattern samples .
10 Since they look very similar even a regular buyer could pick up the larger size without realising it — but of course the scanner at the check out would recognise the different bar code and charge the correct amount .
11 Charles moved back so that the porter could put down a tray with tea things on it .
12 Anyone making a noise could set off the bomb , therefore , if the judge catches anyone talking or making a noise , that person is out .
13 However , there is a danger that the fish 's own field could block out the electrical chatter of others .
14 If this wife made such an application the husband could set up the fact of desertion as an answer to the claim , but he could not set up clause 3 as a bar to the proceedings .
15 Perhaps over the generations the interaction between a particular cultural context and the energy pattern at a place could build up a strong image or archetype .
16 ‘ Of course not , your greymass could shrug off a concentrated squirt of pure smacksynth . ’
17 But that programme may be doomed because of the uncertainty over MX and concern that the explosion of the nuclear warhead could knock out the missiles in their silos as well as the incoming warhead .
18 The support of business could bring about a review of 16–19 education with the intention of integration of the pre-vocational and applied together with the academic curriculum .
19 At one time , the average person could harvest around a sackful of wheat a day .
20 In this case another usher or bridesmaid could take over the duty of checking the microphone .
21 A bright , cornflakes-ad kind of day could bring out an airy item like ‘ Sometimes I Feel Like … ’
22 Nietzsche wrote : " When I heard of the fires in Paris , I felt annihilated for some days and was overwhelmed by fears and doubts ; the whole academic ( wissenschaftlich ) , philosophical , artistic world seemed an absurdity , if a single day could wipe out the most glorious works of art , even whole periods of art ; I clung with earnest conviction to the metaphysical value of art , which can not exist for the sake of poor human beings , but has higher missions to fulfil . "
23 Similarly , a single random decrease in aggregate demand could set up a multiperiod recession ( see Blinder and Fischer , 1981 ; Demery and Duck , 1985 ; Duck , 1986 ) .
24 A BRIDGE could open up the route to sales success in France for a new product marketed by the protective coatings division of Celomer .
25 It is conceivable that the sender could set up a board and easel and compose a poem to signal to another , or write a message on a piece of paper and make a paper aeroplane to fly across the room .
26 No amount of censorship could hold back the rise of a new social consciousness bursting to find expression .
27 Perhaps the best man could take on the responsibility of arriving before the guests and checking the microphone .
28 Gibbons 's predecessor , D. Allan Bromley , believed that the government could carry out no more than five or six major initiatives at once because of the time and resources required to coordinate activities among as many as a dozen agencies .
29 When externalities lead to market failure the government could set up the missing market by pricing the externality through taxes or subsidies .
30 It is a point at which those who analyse conversation in terms of ‘ turn-taking ’ ( Sacks et al. , 1974 ) would suggest that another speaker could take over the turn .
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