Example sentences of "[noun sg] say [pron] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 His lawyer said his real punishment had already happened .
2 Microsoft Corp says its NT-based version of SQL Server will ship in the third quarter with full multi-processor support ; SNA server gateway will arrive at the same time , while products from its Hermes network management technology effort , will appear in the fourth quarter .
3 IBM Corp says its Personal Computer Co shipped 30% to 35% more personal computers in the first quarter than it did during the year-ago period , and vice-chairman Jack Kuehler expects it to be ‘ reasonably profitable ’ in 1993 — but the personal computer business is now so volatile that making forecasts more than a quarter ahead is a mug 's game : following Conner Peripherals Inc 's warning on Friday that it is seeing oversupply and soft demand for disk drives ( CI No 2,142 ) , observers are saying that grey market prices for 80486s are now weak ; Finis Conner said on Friday that Conner would have to slash production and payrolls in the months ahead to remain competitive — ‘ The market is in total disarray , ’ he said ; ‘ the pricing that has occurred in the last four to five days has been something I 've never seen believes the booming personal computer industry is showing signs of slowing after being fuelled for over two years by the price war .
4 Microsoft Corp says its projected sales of 1m copies of NT the first 12 months of sales are not highly dependent on Pentium .
5 Data General Corp is finding the transition to open systems at a time of recession extremely painful with a second quarter loss of $55m after a $48m charge for another 1,000 lay-offs : turnover was down 14% at $274m , in part because the sale of the Japanese subsidiary cut volume by $19m ; the company blamed the disappointing results on competitive pricing pressures , which have cut profits , as well as the weak worldwide economy ; the company says it continues to be very cautious about the remainder of 1992 ; AViiON sales continue to grow , but ‘ we are not satisfied with overall revenues , ’ the company declared Electronic Data Systems Corp says its graphical design system now supports Hewlett-Packard 's series 700 workstations : first deliveries are scheduled for May .
6 Sapsan says its main customers have been in the defence industry .
7 IBM 's Advanced workstation division says its direct sales force accounts for 64% of the RS/6000s shipped .
8 Hewlett-Packard Co says its new HP 9000 Series 800 Model H40 running Informix 5.0 recorded 406.65 transactions per minute ( tpmC ) at a cost of ownership of $2,786 per tpmC using the Transaction Processing Performance Council 's latest TPC-C on-line transaction processing benchmark test suite .
9 American lady says its two schools rowing against each other … true amateurs and its wonderful
10 WREXHAM Maelor Council says its newly-opened Minera Lead Mines tourist attraction has gone down well with visitors during its first week of opening .
11 But the local council says their present home breaks every rule in the book , and their plans would put an area of outstanding natural beauty at risk …
12 Licensed semiconductor partners will be able to involve their customers at the beginning of the design process and Sun says its current intention is to facilitate early design adoption and volume sales as soon as silicon is production ready , independent of its own system products becoming available .
13 Sun says its own graphics efforts , especially the GS and GT environments were ‘ too little too late , ’ though the 2D GX environment will continue as a low end offering .
14 Mr Le Pen said his 17-member party was being persecuted and unjustly accused of racism and fascism .
15 The council said its previous attempts to stop Sunday trading at a variety of businesses had been unsuccessful and the Trust would be allowed to trade until the High Court hearing which could be ‘ months away . ’
16 THE ATTORNEY General Sir Nicholas Lyell is to review the sentence of a sex offender who was spared jail after a judge said his eight-year-old victim was ‘ not entirely an angel . ’
17 A judge said our youngest competitor 's plot ‘ would be a credit to any seasoned allotmenteer . ’
18 15% said they were badly affected — and of those , roughly one half said their main problem was that they found it difficult to pick up their usual programmes on LW .
19 Turkey 's Koi privatisation body says its remaining 22% stake in the partly privatised telecommunications equipment company Netas , 51% owned by Northern Telecom Ltd , will be underwritten and sold to foreign institutional investors : the decision follows low investor demand for a 20% public offer in Netas this month when only about 7% was sold .
20 Nevertheless , a couple of drinks later it transpired that one of them has a boyfriend who gets up at six in the morning to meditate , while the other said her best friend had been snapped out of a severe depression by a weekend of psychodrama .
21 Cursory reading of the financial pages over the past few months would have left the average reader with the impression that while the US and UK economies were laboriously but undeniable clambering out of the recessionary trough , Japan was flat on its back and looking like getting worse before it got better , and that high interest rates in Germany were plunging that economy into a recessionary black hole and dragging most of the rest of the continent with it — now comes a report from International Data Corp saying its Global IT Survey of 5,000 computer executives , 500 chief executives and finance chiefs , and 1,100 local network managers in six biggest economies indicates that growth in computer spending will rise 2% to 3% in 1993 and , surprise , surprise — the US and the UK should outperform the rest of Europe and Japan .
22 We are all used to the hypocrisy and double standards of the Labour party , whose representatives hang around every factory gate and base saying what terrible things will happen locally .
23 North Tees Health Authority says its nursing bank , comprising nursing staff not wishing to take on permanent jobs , proved invaluable over Christmas , when a flu epidemic hit hard .
24 This noticeboard had already played a significant part in my life : nearly thirty years before then it had displayed the result of my own first degree ( second-class honours ) ; a few years later had come the perfunctory notice saying my doctoral thesis had been accepted by the college ; and shortly after that an even briefer note to the effect that I had joined the teaching staff .
25 Sugar said his main reaction was one of ‘ relief ’ that the issue had been settled because he had received such abuse from a small section of Tottenham fans .
26 The government says its own view will be upheld .
27 HP says its current HP-UX 9.0.3 implementation already incorporates multithreading technology from Unix V.3.2 , although that 's not a full multiprocessing versions — like Unix SVR4 MP — that it would probably require .
28 HP says its 705 Snake and particularly its 710 sales have exceeded projections .
29 Meanwhile , Pencom 's software operation says its co-Xist X-Windows development environment for NeXT computers ( UX No 402 ) , is out on October 15 and costs from $420 for a run-time .
30 The firm says its key target is persuading busy young mums that Spam makes an easy meal in minutes .
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