Example sentences of "[noun sg] with [art] [noun sg] [art] " in BNC.

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1 He reflected that in his twenty year association with the Institution the lifeboat fleet had been adapted to cope with an increasing variety of casualties , from being tailored to serve merchant and fishing vessels it was now dealing with more than an equal number of calls from the holiday maker and the pleasure sailor .
2 While do-it-yourself rock , fan-club organizations and dancing-in-the-aisles are certainly not independent of industry interests , such a breathtaking theoretical closure reduces the musical role of the vast majority of humankind to a subservient attempt to match up , as listeners , to the demands of ‘ advanced ’ producers ; Marx 's vision of a future with every man an artist certainly seems to be definitively buried , but on a less exalted level , there is once again no attempt to look for the possibility of contradictory meanings in the actual practice of real listeners .
3 During my interview with the doctor a woman kept coming in and asking him where the party was .
4 But shortly afterwards , er , I was in confrontation with the chairman the basis of my contract with was such that it was not to his liking and I was not prepared to give way in the matter and was dismissed within six months of the acquisition of by .
5 Had there been only one man in the carriage with the woman the explanation would have been obvious .
6 Luke stood with legs wide apart , hitting the horse with the whip-handle every time it showed signs of slowing down .
7 Yeah Gosh a record seven hundred thousand Brits are expected to head for the slopes this winter with the snow the best in Europe for twenty years
8 A perk of the office is to be invited to lunch with the Queen every few years .
9 If , for example , three known positions are input to the program before each session with the pantograph the software can compensate for any changes in the expected readings due to wear and tear or temperature .
10 On test with no load the divider chip consumed only 19mA at a supply voltage of 1.8V .
11 The magnitude of erosion is reflected in the silt content of the Huanghe River : before it enters the Loess lands it has an average silt content of 2 kg m-3 of water , but when it leaves the region after its confluence with the Weihe the average silt content is 35 kg m- which can rise to several hundreds of kilograms after storms ( Smil 1984 ) .
12 Rather more surprisingly perhaps , Sun and Star readers ( taken together ) were at that time split fairly evenly between Labour and Conservative with the Alliance a fairly close third .
13 Barbara insisted that in keeping with the period the only light was to come from the candles , which flickered romantically from the walls and the three Bohemian crystal chandeliers on the ceiling .
14 The principal guest bedroom features fleur de lys wallpaper specially designed to be in keeping with the period the castle was built .
15 The Chapman family who have run the hotel for the past 40 years have kept the decor in keeping with the atmosphere the building creates .
16 By a notice of appeal dated 23 March 1992 the father appealed on the grounds that ( 1 ) the judge had been wrong to conclude that he had no jurisdiction to make the orders sought and ( 2 ) having found that A. had been removed from his home with the father the judge had failed to order his return whether pursuant to section 8 of the Children Act 1989 or otherwise .
17 It is always wise to first check with the recipient the colour scheme of the room in which the picture will be displayed , as it is possible to vary the emphasis placed upon the colours within the picture accordingly .
18 The pipe is connected using a boss connector solvent-welded in place with the pipe a push-fit or solvent-weld in the connector
19 Some positively conflict by setting off a train of thought which is quite at variance with the message the audio track carries .
20 ‘ Any suggestion that the one-day internationals do n't matter as much as the Tests is not right and is certainly at variance with the way the players view it . ’
21 at the time of entering into the Contract with the Carrier the Trader declares to the Carrier a special interest in delivery in the case of loss or damage or of an agreed time limit being exceeded and agrees to pay a surcharge calculated on the amount of that interest , and
22 She just had time to make out a black profile against the window before a shoe slammed into her chest with the sound a beanbag makes when it hits the floor .
23 In Team D , however , the data collection strategy failed to produce a comparable sample , for various reasons concerned in part with the way the CSW approach operated ( see below ) .
24 There is also a possible link with a robbery a month ago at Saughall Motors .
25 Where the defendant makes a payment into court he will normally : ( 1 ) obtain a certificate of total benefit from the Compensation Recovery Unit of the DSS and ; ( 2 ) send to the court with the payment a certificate showing the amount deducted .
26 Friends of Eliot suggest that he confronted his old friend with the news a day or two before the marriage .
27 In some printers the two are one , and you replace the photoconductor with the toner every time , albeit less frequently than you might change toner cartridges in those printers which maintain the two separately .
28 But where , as in this case , a party undertakes to make a payment because by so doing it will gain an advantage arising out of the continuing relationship with the promisee the new bargain will not fail for want of consideration .
29 Because of her daily contact with the sufferer the warden will have a clearer idea of the degree of dementia than anyone , family or otherwise , whose contact is only occasional .
30 Your mallet is going to be is got ta be in contact with the mallet the ball whilst the ball is in contact with the wire
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