Example sentences of "[noun sg] that [noun] [verb] [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 He should take no thought for the morrow , and should bear in mind that possessions imply making provision for the future .
2 It is n't her fault that people keep running after her , and it 's unpleasant for her , people jumping on and off … ’
3 The recognition that managers needed training in order to acquire the necessary skills to manage effectively implicitly accepted that such skills could be moved around and injected into businesses when required .
4 It might , of course , be the case that people stopped throwing good-luck coins into the water for some reason , but , in fact , the coin evidence coincides with archaeological evidence for a cessation of the maintenance of the buildings in the precinct in about AD350 , and we can conclude that the religious use of the site tailed off from about that date .
5 Also I 'd had feedback from the moss chart that children enjoyed scouring the poster for tiny details , so I looked for a solution that would allow as many items as possible to be painted the same size .
6 His plea that Louis stop appointing widows as abbesses may have been a response to the installation of Judith 's mother Heilwig as abbess of Chelles .
7 ‘ Looking at it now , I realise it was from this point that Diana began putting herself behind Relate and Aids charities .
8 The echo of that street-market record stall still lingers in Street 's insatiable appetite for new music , for , unlike many in-demand producers , Stephen is not of the opinion that music stopped evolving in 1975 !
9 Planted in horizontal rows across hillsides , the grass sinks deep roots and grows into a living retaining wall that traps soil washing down the slope .
10 Léonie had her first period on the day that Madeleine finished replying to all the letters of condolence sent to Louis .
11 Record the time each day that Keith spends watching television .
12 The stranger smiled , still rather gravely but with a warmth that Charlotte found reassuring .
13 But the RSPCA says that there 's no evidence that foxes need culling , and if they do , there are more humane ways than hunting .
14 Recent molecular studies with cDNA probes have provided evidence that PGA haplotypes containing different combinations of genes are the major contributing factor in the observed protein heterogeneity .
15 The recent box-office calamity of Marjorie Morningstar , was another example ; the big-budget Warner Brothers adaptation of Herman Wouk 's best-selling novel , starring Natalie Wood and Gene Kelly , ended up so dismally after such a huge build-up that Natalie began seeing her analyst at lunchtimes as well .
16 ‘ The reason that Hollywood keeps selling all its film companies to the Australians , the Japanese , and so on , is to prevent them falling into the hands of people from New York . ’
17 But the pleasure is always the same — grand scenery , stunning settings and the wonderful way that holds keep appearing on great slabs of bland-looking rock .
18 The incident was one of the most memorable from a year that Waggoner spent following the U.S.P.G.A. Tour .
19 It was not , however , a treatment that Sophie liked giving .
20 The second aim has been to reduce the attractiveness and the scope of the welfare state , in order that people begin seeking private or company provision .
21 The idea that conversation proceeds according to a principle , known and applied by all human beings , was first proposed in a limited form by the philosopher Paul Grice ( 1975 ) , who put forward what he described as the co-operative principle .
22 To the extent that rank-ordering means giving preferences to candidates of one party rather than another it is both easy and reasonable .
23 Record the time that Amy spends playing with her toys when Keith is in the nursery .
24 A Mum and Dad who 'd known vaguely for a long time that Conor liked holding parties were suddenly being told over cups of tea and Hobnobs about vast acid house raves in the middle of fields , about police chases across whole counties , about an entire organisation that Conor had run ( Conor had run an organisation ? ) , which could call a party and have 5,000 people turning up at £20 a ticket within 48 hours .
25 It was about this time that Endill began hearing footsteps echoing around the corridors of Nightside .
26 It really is about time that journalists stopped mouthing the myths of modern-day Thatcherism .
27 significantly , the more time that bands take becoming successful is often reflected by their longer stay at the top . ’
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