Example sentences of "[noun sg] he would [verb] for " in BNC.

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1 As a rule he would wait for others — judges , opponents , even his wife — to decide matters of importance .
2 I wonder what kind of underwear he would go for .
3 He has to watch the actor he would replace for signs of strain or imminent collapse and wonder nervously whether he could actually remember the lines if he had to go on .
4 When they realised that our combined ages was nudging 150 years , one wag said that if he reached our age he would settle for soloing over a stile !
5 The joys denied him as a man he would forgo for those of a child-man .
6 Henri Amiss , the branch manager [ in one of his moments of madness ] , promised them that if they won the debtor day part of the competition he would pay for their tickets .
7 He did not expect that he would have to go to war over the Holy Places , but if he was called upon to do so , he thought that he could produce the men , guns and money he would need for victory .
8 Jean-Claude spoke of his plans to reinstate the Guérigny house and stables with the money he would receive for his opera .
9 In certain circumstances it might have been preferable for a beneficiary to have a real action , in which case he would press for interpretation as a legacy .
10 Ferguson refused to say which twosome he would go for .
11 Neither pairing produced conclusive evidence , such was the low-key nature of United 's approach — and Ferguson refused to say which twosome he would go for .
12 When pressed as to why he thought this was , he got on to what I later found was a cause he would die for .
13 But now he was going into space , and when he had made his fortune he would pay for the whole of Mali to be irrigated so it was as green as France .
14 If I could lead you from that paragraph on page three fifty over to page three six four page three six four , one two three , four paragraphs from the top it 's ab it 's the second of two paragraphs that begins the Board affirms the church 's th that Christ teaches that marriage is special and divorce is not the way he would wish for his people and then this sentence no-one would wish to condens condemn someone to stay in a marriage which is beyond redeeming .
15 King John , being rightly chuffed , asked Sir Hugo what reward he would care for .
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