Example sentences of "[noun sg] he [verb] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He was short and sturdy and when he was on a horse he seemed a part of it .
2 ‘ If he has this horse he has a chance .
3 He had noticed the eyes of one or two French matrons stray wistfully to the tall , spectacularly handsome figure of his brother , and as the rickshaws bowled on side by side he darted a glance at him and decided it must be his new blond mustache that set him apart .
4 He received two life sentences , with a recommendation he serve a minimum of eighteen years .
5 On the morning of the auction he received a letter informing him that after a ‘ first examination ’ the self-portrait was considered ‘ to be of major interest to the national heritage ’ and as such would go before a commission for its fate to be decided .
6 He indicated to the 38-year-old cashier he had a gun , but no weapon was seen during the incident .
7 As he got into the car he heard a shout and saw Cissie running down the track towards him , disregarding the mud which splashed up over her legs as she ran .
8 Suddenly through the howling gale he heard a yodel from below .
9 Ma Smith took in gentlemen paying guests and for his outlay he had a bedroom , a personal sitting room and the dedicated service of the widowed Mrs Smith and her daughters .
10 He was taken to Homerton Hospital for treatment but while waiting in the casualty department he heard a news flash about his escape and fled .
11 In the cell he shouted a bit to bring them back , but only got shouted at in his turn by two drunken fellow inmates .
12 As a result he reaches a conclusion , which may seem astonishing , though is easily open to misinterpretation , ‘ The truth is that catallaxics is the science which describes the only overall order that comprehends nearly all mankind , and that the economist is therefore entitled to insist that conduciveness to that order be accepted as a standard by which all particular institutions are judged . ’
13 As a result he underwent a personality change and started to attack women .
14 After completing his apprenticeship he suffered a breakdown in health and was compelled to abandon his intended profession .
15 At the conclusion of his apprenticeship he became a partner in this firm , thereafter Wilberforce & Smith .
16 And in his mind he formed a pattern of their vivid after-images against the dull mauve light .
17 Following a lengthy period of study he evolved a plan for inoculation .
18 That 's John , me boy , he 's a docker down the erm down the dock he got a weeks holiday this week , so I took me other boy and me daughter out last week and erm we 'd left her with dogs so I said we 'd take them out one day perhaps when he get his holiday .
19 Now it is said that when in the present case the tenant entered pursuant to the agreement and paid a yearly rent he became a tenant from year to year on the terms of the agreement including clause 6 which prevents the landlord from giving notice to quit until the land is required for road widening .
20 At Dr Rudolf Bode 's Training College he met a fellow-student who was to make a lasting impact on his life both personally and professionally — Senta Medau 's warm personality , beautiful movement , choreographic flair and ability to teach in four languages made her ideal partner and wife .
21 Such a word may be useful to a literary man but it throws little light on Green 's intentions except when he uses it in a negative sense ; in one chapter he states a subject was ‘ unpicturesque and consequently not worth an artists attention ’ .
22 In effect he has a period of grace .
23 In his heyday he had a memory like a clamp .
24 In the carriage he found a comrade , who had been suspected of being a stool-pigeon .
25 To escort Delia Sutherland to the main harbour he selected a navy pinstriped suit with matching waistcoat .
26 In November Tajan told the Daily Telegraph of London he also had FFr15 million owed to him in France — a figure he rectified a week later to ‘ between FFr6–8 million ’ .
27 To that figure he added a total of three hundred and fifty two thousand one hundred and seven pounds for the future made up of a yearly figure of thirty nine thousand one hundred and twenty three pounds for Mrs evidence , multiplied by nine .
28 When he came out into the bright white daylight he had a shock .
29 The man was given a 2 year probation order on condition he attends a clinic .
30 In 1728 he married Susan ( died 1743 ) , the daughter of Stephen Colt , and from this marriage he had a son ( died 1752 ) and two daughters .
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