Example sentences of "[noun sg] i [vb base] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Yes I mean if it is possible to provide that huge acreage I mean the space per player or whatever is rather less for croquet than for cricket , is n't it ?
2 Do you know the story I mean the parable I mean ?
3 In your case I suspect the water is coming through the seams on the bulkhead around the footwells .
4 As a former regional chairman I recognise the value and importance of open communication .
5 Erm are we continuing trading or because I , I fear that in , in in particular and with due respect to the Chairman I think the hospital discharges at the moment are leaving a little bit to be desired .
6 LIKE your correspondent I think the RSPCA makes it too hard for people to adopt pets — it refused to consider us because our garden was not fully fenced , even though there 's half an acre of it well away from a main road .
7 Then in the last two lines of the appendix I read the panel on doctrine seeks permission for the joint commission to meet twice yearly as necessary to study documents of doctrinal interest .
8 Sir : I consider myself fortunate in having selected your launch issue from the station bookshop , being attracted by the price , for as a relatively new computer user I find the content both interesting and easy to read and understand .
9 No and just have a look at the computer I mean the printer that 's about half a metre long .
10 ‘ I was saying , ’ Shannon strove to sound as dignified as it was possible to sound for someone who was blushing like a schoolgirl , ‘ that of course I admit the man 's gorgeous .
11 And of course I suppose the advantage of that is too that erm if you needed the money to pay the course fees to get on the
12 Financially it is a great asset for Tain , and with this sort of money I hope the council will take a serious look at the town 's lack of leisure provision , ’ he added .
13 I 'm off for cos I have got no work experience cos and she could n't get me work experience in June and now everybody else is in work experience I get the week off .
14 For the proposed West Wales seat I understand the electorate is only about four hundred thousand .
15 Sally was the one , or somebody wanted the other programme I put the tape in and recorded
16 On the album I make the comment that somebody had asked me the same question and I said , ‘ Yep , my left hand 's doing good , right hand 's doing alright , my mind 's as sharp as a tack .
17 On this album I think the maximum was about thirty .
18 Among those which gave me the greatest pleasure I remember the whole of Shakespeare , Shaw 's Androcles and the Lion , and Thornton Wilder 's Our Town .
19 Steamer sometimes anchored off and sometimes it did n't anchor there was too much wind I guess the anchor did n't hold too well when it was a rough day .
20 When climbing on rough rock I reverse the jacket to protect the Pertex layer from tearing ; although I 've been surprised just how robust the garment is , given a total weight of just 600g .
21 I must say that I am happy to make that statement and in view of some of the things that have been , that have appeared in the media recently here 's a statement that needs to be made as for your your your ques , what the , the Chief Constable I welcome the statement and the actions of the Chief Constable on this very concerning issue .
22 But in most of Williams ' work I feel the kind of observations being ‘ made ’ … seem to me too casual , however delightfully phrased , to be especially interesting …
23 What I mourned — even in the dream I feel the sadness coming — is what I never had , the unattainable .
24 At bottom I think the question of recovering economic loss is one of policy .
25 But in a sense I mean I can erm I mean I agree with everything you 've said , erm but er when Murdoch took over the Sun I mean the Sun was selling , at one point was selling about four million copies which is
26 Son 'll be wanting one when she wakes up — she 's the girl I share the flat with .
27 Er following on er what er Stewart said as a member of the Parish Council I think the feeling er was given by John that the Parish Council were now against this scheme .
28 After such suffering I have the right to happiness , but my mind is in revolt , and my burning protest is only the cry of my soul to hasten the revelations of truth and justice .
29 In attempting its exposition I face the problem of a generation gap .
30 He said oh I do n't mind cleaning he said but , he 's like Derek , I mean I , ooh I can soon clean well he 's a good , you know , cleaner I mean the bath , whenever he , blimey if ever he cleans the bath it looks ten times better than when I I do it .
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