Example sentences of "[noun sg] it can [adv] [be] " in BNC.

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1 Due to its sheer weight it can only be used at the Centre by special permission of the Department of Transport .
2 In company law it can equally be argued that by casting trustee-like duties on directors so that they are required to act only in the interests of the shareholders the law aims to ensure that the will of the shareholders is implemented .
3 ‘ While I respectfully agree that recommendations of a committee may not help much when there is a possibility that Parliament may have decided to do something different , where there is no such possibility , as where the draft Bill has been enacted without alteration , in my opinion it can safely be assumed that it was Parliament 's intention to do what the committee recommended and to achieve the object the committee had in mind .
4 But on closer examination it can usually be found that they have used very selected samples that are not representative of sexual offenders as a whole .
5 But if it is due to a small proportion of an impurity it can usually be dealt with by careful purification or by exposing the sample to the laser beam for some time ( a process called photo-bleaching ) .
6 In such a restricted case , where there is a master-servant relationship it can usually be said that the master or employer ‘ uses ’ as well as the driver , being the servant or employee .
7 When a craftsman adds his father 's name to his signature it can often be shown that the father was a craftsman too ( e.g. above , p. 34 ) ; and the practice may regularly have meant that .
8 So clueless and misguided are these sorry types — so lacking in insight , intent and , bloody hell , a sense of humour — that if a great comedy show ever makes it to TV List magazine it can only be DESPITE the pony-tails whose job it is to shepherd these things to a laff-hungry public .
9 Once it crosses the centre-line it can only be used immediately as a back fist .
10 Thus the very concept of totalization , distinguished from totality , must always be refused its prospective closure , for if ‘ History continually effects totalisation of totalisations ’ ( I , 15 ) it must necessarily also mean that by definition it can never be absolutely totalized .
11 With such a distinctive song it can scarcely be missed .
12 The same reasoning does not apply where the money is sent by a stranger , in which case it can only be accepted on the terms upon which it is sent .
13 Of course it can also be used in a network environment to monitor disc usage of each user .
14 Of course it can never be known whether the right answer has been reached ( unless somebody dredges up a ‘ living fossil ’ from the depths of the ocean ) — there are only varying degrees of probability .
15 Astonishingly , the fish is considered a delicacy in Japan where it is known as ‘ fugu ’ ; but because of its toxicity it can only be prepared by licensed chefs .
16 In reality it can never be achieved .
17 Although the Stack Light Rifle or SLR combines the looks of a gun with part of the optical system of a camera it can hardly be rated as a precision piece of equipment .
18 When we feel resentment or act out of a sense of duty it can sometimes be seen and felt by the person concerned .
19 The hot transmission is normal ; it is great in winter , as the car has central heating without the need of a blower fan , but in summer it can sometimes be a problem keeping the driver 's feet cool .
20 In this way it can perhaps be argued that the underlying rationale for the existence of the Eurocurrency market has been somewhat undermined , hence the classification by the BIS statistics to encompass the whole International Banking Market , of which the Euromarket is a part .
21 In this country it can never be a major contributor of energy .
22 From a different perspective it can also be argued that it is right and proper that , for example , the Mandarins of the civil service should have power , because , after all , they have the expertise and knowledge in government matters .
23 In fact it can well be argued that basically there are only two concepts — rocks and time — with the rest just an obfuscation of the nomenclature .
24 Curiously , the reason why some species of dinosaur became very large is seldom addressed in either the popular or academic literature , and yet as an anatomical fact it can hardly be side-stepped .
25 Porcelain painting is just one possibility , and if you create a suitable pressed flower design it can then be copied on to a piece of china , which makes a change from using fresh flowers as the reference material .
26 My hope and at this stage it can only be a hope , is that if consultations are held with presbyteries , a consensus will emerge as to the nature of the changes to Act seventeen that are required and that that consensus will enable the Act to be successfully amended .
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