Example sentences of "[noun sg] it [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The significance is the boost it gives to the AX 's performance , particularly in the context of the diesel .
2 Now , with Teesside boxing doyen Phil Thomas as president it trains in the former Palm Lounge of the DeNiros pub/disco .
3 We recommend varieties and people write to us and say that 's no good it disappears into the water and stays hard .
4 By launching the commercial scheme in the guise of an athletic club it falls within the rules of the Amateur Athletic Association .
5 She had seen her country overrun by both the German and the Russian armies ; she knew at first-hand the madness of war and the fear it transmits to the civilian population .
6 Here was the Labour Party reverting to its old self , a better self , yes , than the monster it became under the demonic spell of Tony Benn ; here was a party responsive once more to its own people , the people it so shamefully betrayed at two successive general elections since 1979 , but a party — as somebody once said of the SDP - ‘ promising a better yesterday ’ .
7 In practice it led to the ‘ carve-up ’ ( described in more detail in chapter 6 ) , whereby the four big companies ( five , from 1968 ) were guaranteed national access for agreed amounts of their programmes , with the ITA/IBA controlling certain ‘ quality ’ aspects of content and the proportions of programme types ( news , drama , and so on ) .
8 Having fought to overcome his grief at the loss of the child , the object of this critical review had , in fact , sought every means he dared to stop the great gap it opened in the domestic life of the Rectory .
9 He did n't care about the effect it had on the rest of us .
10 He asked why the parish council were so against the signs ‘ Do the parish have an official policy , because if they do , they should think again about the effect it has on the village . ’
11 The dream itself has no meaning ; the effect it has on the second person tells a great deal about that person .
12 We were particularly interested in Pamela 's relationship with Mr. B- ( whom we call Belville , as in Giffard 's 1741 adaptation , which featured the up and coming David Garrick , still working under the soubriquet " A Gentleman " ) , the effect it has on the people around them and the pressures put on the relationship by those people .
13 You would n't believe the effect it has on the value . ’
14 He does n't defend it as the best way of getting the correct decision , he does n't defend it , or he does n't solely defend it that way he does n't defend it either on the idea that people have right to be tried by their peers for example which is the most likely defence now , but he defends jury service on the grounds of the effect it has on the jurors which is quite a novel erm .
15 In that state inside my head , this is like intellectuals in a country sneering at religion while not being able to deny the effect it has on the mass of people .
16 Temperature is an important factor in rates of chemical weathering , both through the direct effect it has on the rate of chemical reactions ( see Section 6.2.2 ) , and indirectly through its influence on rates of organic activity and hence the production of both soil carbon dioxide and organic acids — both critical components in chemical weathering .
17 Any regulatory framework must be judged against the effect it has on the cost of financial intermediation and the allocative efficiency of the financial system .
18 In effect it provided for the dismemberment of Abyssinia and the giving to Mussolini of about half of what he had set himself to achieve by conquest .
19 Saint-Savin has the makings of a fine portal at the west end , but because most of the decoration is illegible for one reason or another , and not least because of the impious mutilation it suffered during the Revolution , it is nothing to dwell on .
20 On the hospital side it opened into the basement under the Out Patients Department , which itself stood directly opposite our dining-room .
21 Alongside this , there is a need to break down our bureaucracy , thereby reducing the power of the state and the stranglehold it exerts on the nation 's political activities .
22 For The Northern Echo it began in the early 1960s when editor Harold Evans introduced a cuttings library which saw 200 stories a day being cut , pasted and stored under appropriate headings .
23 Dealers such as Jean Gismondi of Paris were unstinting in their praise of the chic it lent to the event .
24 In rug-making it refers to the contoured areas at the four right-angles of the field adjacent to the borders , usually only found in rugs employing a central medallion .
25 Is the media merely a tool that can be used by the dominant group in society to bring about whatever change or lack of change they require or does it , by its nature , shape the influence it has on the population ?
26 It must be remembered that for all its world status and the great influence it has upon the rest of the airworthiness authorities of the western world , the FAA is after all made up of fallible human beings .
27 Designed for senior college management it dealt with the design and implementation of internal quality assurance systems for colleges .
28 Here it may be that er it 's important to say er what she said value or what relevance it has to the trial of the son anyway .
29 It was admirably researched , hut it glossed over the important questions while pointing up the trivial ones .
30 Eagan , Minnesota-based Cray Research Inc said it will shortly start shipping the Cray S-MP system , the first in a planned series of Sparc-based servers from Cray Research Superservers Inc , the subsidiary it formed around the Floating Point Systems Inc assets it acquired late last year .
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