Example sentences of "[noun sg] to [noun sg] over the " in BNC.

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1 Evidence of excessive demand There is some observable good sense in this argument , and it helps to explain why sterling has not hit the fan a lot earlier , during a truly spectacular swing from surplus to deficit over the past two years .
2 In the event , the meeting decreed an adjournment after only 90 minutes ; observers noted that there seemed to be a general desire to paper over the rifts caused by the Gulf war .
3 The Cabinet is split from top to bottom over the Prime Minister 's policy of using Common Market grants for tax cuts instead of for the provision of help to deprived areas .
4 American voters , anxious for a change in economic policy , propelled the Arkansas governor to victory over the Republican President on a tide of discontent .
5 Private home owners in Cleveland have been given leave to take their local authority to court over the contracts .
6 One of the striking things about Havel is his commitment to drama over the past quarter-century and his insistence , in the period immediately before the Czech revolution , that he was first and foremost a writer .
7 Reports in early April , covering the Rao-Wickremasingh meeting , noted the Indian government 's desire to bring LTTE leader Velupillai Prabhakaran to justice over the May 1991 assassination of Rajiv Gandhi [ see p. 38175 ] ( although no specific request had been made to Sri Lanka ) , and the claim that the LTTE planned a further series of assassinations in the southern Indian state of Tamil Nadu to counter the state government 's clampdown on its activities there .
8 Throughout the remainder of the 1530s , royal propagandists were systematically employed to justify and publicize Henry 's claim to supremacy over the English church .
9 However — with the loss of Jordanian sovereignty — until the United States accepts the Palestinian claim to sovereignty over the occupied territories , Resolution 242 is bound to remain bereft of meaning , since there is no US-recognized state to which the West Bank and Gaza can be returned .
10 When Argentina recognises the right to self-determination and freedom of association of the Falklands people , and gives up her claim to sovereignty over the territory , we might be more amenable to trade and contact .
11 However , he confirmed that Argentina 's claim to sovereignty over the Falklands , set to one side during the negotiations , would continue to be pursued in international forums .
12 Less than a week after achieving full independence on June 19 [ see p. 18159 ] , Kuwait was threatened by a claim to sovereignty over the whole of its territory by the Iraqi leader , Gen. Abdul Karim Kassem .
13 It concerned Canterbury 's claim to primacy over the whole of the British Isles .
14 The question which remains to be solved is : were these phrases added to existing documents in 1070–72 to support Lanfranc 's claim to primacy over the whole area of the British Isles , or were they added as a last resort in 1120 , when the claim which Lanfranc , Anselm and Archbishop Ralph had all supported was facing final and irrevocable defeat ?
15 In the long term the crowning of Charles by Leo III led to an increasing papal claim to power over the imperial ruler of the West , but short-term benefits to Charles were clear .
16 Several years passed before the claim to authority over the archbishop of York was put to the test .
17 President Bush has made a major concession to industry over the implementation of the new Clean Air Act , overturning a decision by the Environmental Protection Agency ( EPA ) .
18 The plans have been drawn up in response to concern over the nuclear industry 's long-term financial future , particularly after the end of the non-fossil fuels levy in 1998 .
19 DAVID WALSH argues that Ireland can no longer rely on fire and fury to paper over the cracks in a country where there are fifteen gaelic footballers for every rugby player .
20 Later she sat and watched the golden sky turn to ruby over the roofs , the distant trees of the park blacken and fade .
21 The McGimpsey brothers hit the headlines when they took the Irish government to court over the Republic 's constitutional claim to Northern Ireland .
22 FoE is taking the government to court over the delays in the clean-up programme .
23 For example , what precipitated the movement of labour-intensive manufacturing from North to South over the past three decades , and how exactly has this affected the employment and wages of skilled and unskilled workers ?
24 But Andrew said this last April , after leading the North to victory over the US , and the sharply increased requirements — club , divisional and national - of a new season have rapidly changed his , and Carling 's , mind .
25 Sam 's boat was one of the last to sail in between the old forts , and Harry , who was standing at the end of the stone quay in order to crow over the birth of his son and demand payment of his winnings , saw with a twinge of jealousy that Gristy 's ketch was well down in the water .
26 I forgot all about donating and the transfusion service lost track of me as I moved from house to house over the years , until the other day when the subject came up in the office .
27 An evening with a breeze ; I could see movement in the bracken that edged the track , and cloud-shadows moved from time to time over the sea-pinks .
28 Gradually the sound came closer until it was bellowing overhead , hurling its echo from mountain to mountain over the valley .
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